Wildau's town entrance signs have now all been replaced and bear the addition ‘University town’ everywhere
Wildau has officially been known as a ‘university town’ for a good three months now.

Nationwide cyberattack against universities / Accounts will be unblocked
On Friday, we received information from the IT service provider CERT Brandenburg that a nationwide cyberattack is underway against universities in…

Campus, mobility, network & language - TH Wildau focuses on internationalisation in various university areas
Internationality and interculturality are an integral part of everyday university life at TH Wildau. With students from over 70 nations, the…

Humanity-centred - TH Wildau and Tor Vergata University cooperate on human-centred production structures and future scenarios
At both the University of Tor Vergata in Rome and the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau in Brandenburg, different research areas are…

University Information Day at TH Wildau attracted around 2,500 interested visitors to the campus in beautiful weather
Around 2,500 interested people attended the University Information Day (HIT) 2024 at TH Wildau last Saturday. The university's most important day,…

Professorship at a Technical University of Applied Sciences - a still unknown career path
There are many reasons in favour of a professorship at a Technical University of Applied Sciences - and yet this career path is still little known. To…