Forms and applications for studying can be found here:
Occupational health and safetyOpen areaClose area
- Accident report for students Please note: this is an external form from the accident insurance fund, it is only available in German
Bachelor's and Master's thesisOpen areaClose area
Zentrum für Studium und Lehre
The framework does not contain any binding guidelines, only suggestions. Please clarify all further details with the person supervising your thesis.
The declaration of academic integrity is binding for all students of the TH Wildau, integrated in the Thesis-Planner by resolution of the Senate of 27 May 2024.
Faculty INW and WIR - The deans offices will answer any questions you may have regarding the forms or the thesis planner:
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences - INW:
Faculty of Business, Computing and Law - WIR:
- Information on the degree thesis, (Link to WIR ->Documents for BA/MA work phase)
Buddy ProgrammeOpen areaClose area
Performance record, De-registrationOpen areaClose area
- For proof of academic achievement, please speak to your contact person in the Department of enrolment and examinations.
Documents and contact persons for de-registration can be found here: TH-Website for De-Registration
- Application for De-Registration
Do you need a de-registration certificate for another university? You can obtain these from the Enrolment and Examinations Department. Email Immatrikulation und Prüfungen.
University IT CentreOpen areaClose area
All about studyingOpen areaClose area
Applying for a degree programme
- Describing your study past - for the online portal for applying to TH Wildau, form is in german
If you change university, apply for a clearance certificate from the Enrollment and Examinations Department
You can find information and forms for the following topics on the Website of the Enrolment and Examinations Department:
- distance learning degree programme
- Change of university
- re-registration
- Change of degree programme
- part-time degree programme
- Second degree
Compensation for disadvantages for students with disabilities
- Application for support for equal opportunities for students
- Information sheet on compensation for disadvantages for submission to medical professionals and psychotherapists, Form is in German
Application for funds from the STURA social fund
Project work
Incoming - International studentsOpen areaClose area
Junior study programmeOpen areaClose area
- Application for Junior Studies
- Study agreement for participation in the junior study programme (to be completed by the degree programme)
After your studiesOpen areaClose area
- Registration for alumni (Link leads to the TH Online Portal, there you can switch to english)
Outgoing - study abroadOpen areaClose area
- Recognition of study achievements abroad (INW)
- Contact form for Students going abroad (International Office)
- Learning Agreement for studies (other programmes)
- Application Form for PROMOS
Internship, Practical phaseOpen areaClose area
Questions about the forms will be answered by the dean's office!
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Business, Computing and Law
- Internship - compliance clause for bilateral company contracts, Form is in German
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences - INW
- Recognition of practical study periods, Form is in German
- Practical Experience Certificate, part-time study course Industrial engineering, Application
Faculty of Business, Computing and Law - WIR
- Internship contracts can be found on the WIR department page
- Further information about the internship can be found on the respective course website in the “Students” section:
- Betriebswirtschaft
- Europäisches Management
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Wirtschaft und Recht
Examinations, examination boardOpen areaClose area
Questions about the forms will be answered by the dean's office!
- E-Assessments: Notes on electronic exams
- Application for a Notification of Inability to Take Examinations
- Medical certificate for submission at the examination board
- Application for recognition of examination achievements , Please note: Information sheet on the recognition of examination results
- Recognition of practical study periods
- Certificate of Attendence/Performance Certificate
- Notes for scientific work - Orientation framework for the formal design of a written document or thesis
Faculty of Business, Computing and Law - WIR
Refund of feesOpen areaClose area
Reimbursement of fees and contrinutions for students in the event of de- regestration, vacation semester, practical semester, semester abroad, maternity leave, double payment of the semester fee
Reimbursement of fees and contributions for student applicants, if the study place is rejected or the semester fee is paid twice
FAQ: Questions and answers related to the refund of semester fees
Pregnancy, maternity leave, cildcareOpen areaClose area
- Pregnancy notofication
- Risk assessment
- Declaration of the voluntary completion of an examination during maternity leave,
- Declaration of the voluntary participation in a class or excursion during maternity leave,
Flexible childcare on campus: please read the terms of use and arrange a meeting in the family service office.
Note on filling in and saving
Please use Adobe Reader to fill in and save the form correctly. You can download it free of charge from the web.
Documents on the degree programmes
Study and examination regulations
Do you need the accreditation certificate for your degree programme?
- Here you will find an overview of the accredited degree programmes and the current certificates.