Buddy Programme
Studenten auf dem Campus der TH Wildau

Buddy Programme

Would you like to get to know international students and help them get started in Wildau? Would you like to become a buddy? Join the buddy program at the TH Wildau!

German version

Become a Buddy at TH Wildau!

As a buddy at the TH Wildau, you can expect an exciting task: you will support international students in their start in their new environment. Not only can you meet new people and gain intercultural experience, but you can also improve your foreign language skills and make valuable contacts for a possible study abroad programme.

What can you expect?

  • As a buddy, you are the contact person for all questions relating to studying and living in Germany. Your tasks include
  • Picking you up from the airport/train station and assisting you with visits to the authorities
  • Help with formalities at the university
  • Tips on leisure activities, sports and German culture
  • Accompaniment to offices, doctor's appointments etc.
  • Emotional support when settling into the new environment
  • Possibility for a language tandem

Your benefit

Through your commitment as a buddy, you will acquire intercultural competence and social skills that can be of benefit to you later in your career. You will also receive a bilingual buddy certificate, which is ideal for job applications and scholarship applications.

How to become a buddy?

Most international students arrive at the start of the semester, i.e. at the beginning of September or the beginning of March. Register now and become part of the Buddy Programme!


Buddy programme - application form

Was ist dein Anliegen? / What is your concern?

Angaben zu den Sprachkenntnissen / Information on language skills

Datenschutz / Privacy policy

* required field

    Dipl.-Wirtsch.infor. (FH) Carolina Maria Winkler

Your contact at the International Office Dipl.-Wirtsch.infor. (FH) Carolina Maria Winkler Dipl.-Wirtsch.infor. (FH) Carolina Maria Winkler