Center for Research and Transfer
We actively support the Technical University of Wildau in transfer activities. Through close cooperation with teaching and applied research, we create a bridge between business and science. We offer our staff extensive support in questions regarding funding programs, including the application process. In addition, we provide support in cooperating with companies and society, for example, by placing skilled workers. We also offer help with start-up issues for young talents and oversee the area surrounding inventions and property rights. Our expertise is at your disposal to provide you with the best possible support.
Should a task not be feasible with us, we have a broad network to other Brandenburg universities. We will gladly arrange contacts and support you in cooperating with the relevant institutions.
- Spokesman of the Center for Research and Transfer
Markus Vossel
Division Management
Markus Vossel
Speaker for the Center for Research and Transfer
+49 3375 508 673
Annette Vossel
Responsible for the area Companies and Cooperations
+49 3375 508 912
Dr. Carsten Hille
Responsible for the area of Transfer Scouting and Quality in Science
+49 3375 508 793
Dr. Sarah Schneider
Responsible for the area Utilization and Science Communication
+49 3375 508 498
House 13, Room 044, Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau