Current News
Bild von Freifläche zwischen Haus 16 und Halle 17 der TH Wildau

Current News

What's new at Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau?

Laptop mit einem Achtung-Zeichen auf dem Bildschirm
02. July 2024 | Cyberattack

Nationwide cyberattack against universities / Accounts will be unblocked

On Friday, we received information from the IT service provider CERT Brandenburg that a nationwide cyberattack is underway against universities in…

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Personen Tanzen und lachen in die Kamera
01. July 2024 | International

Campus, mobility, network & language - TH Wildau focuses on internationalisation in various university areas

Internationality and interculturality are an integral part of everyday university life at TH Wildau. With students from over 70 nations, the…

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Gruppe von Menschen steht vor einem alten UNiversitätsgebäude in Rom
21. June 2024 | German-Italian-Cooperation

Humanity-centred - TH Wildau and Tor Vergata University cooperate on human-centred production structures and future scenarios

At both the University of Tor Vergata in Rome and the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau in Brandenburg, different research areas are…

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Drei Beschäftigte der TH Wildau stehen an einem Stehtisch und lauschen der Eröffnungsrede beim HIT 2024.
07. June 2024 | University Information Day

University Information Day at TH Wildau attracted around 2,500 interested visitors to the campus in beautiful weather

Around 2,500 interested people attended the University Information Day (HIT) 2024 at TH Wildau last Saturday. The university's most important day,…

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Dozentin vor Tafel
10. May 2024 | Online event

Professorship at a Technical University of Applied Sciences - a still unknown career path

There are many reasons in favour of a professorship at a Technical University of Applied Sciences - and yet this career path is still little known. To…

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Teilnehmende des Internationalen Nachmittags stehen sich umarmend in einem Halbkreis nebeneinander
26. April 2024 | TH Wildau International

Celebrating diversity - TH Wildau invites to the International Afternoon on 16 May 2024

TH Wildau will be presenting itself internationally on campus on 16 May 2024. Together with the university's International Office, students and…

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