"FH Personal" project
Die Leiterin des Karrierezentrums für professorale Entwicklung hält einen Vortrag und illustriert das Erzählte an einem Monitor. Im Vordergrund sind in Rückenansicht drei Personen zu sehen, die ihr zuhören.

"FH Personal" project

The project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is based at the Career Centre for Professorial Development and serves to recruit professorial staff at the university.

To the Career Centre

About the project "FH Personal" and its goals

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has launched the "FH Personal" funding programme to address the increasing challenge of recruiting qualified professorial staff at Technical Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS). Thanks to the funding of the TH Wildau, it is possible to address the issue while taking into account the specific conditions of our university. On the one hand, the focus is on the diversity of future professors, which we consider an enrichment for research quality and university culture. On the other hand, the project aims to increase the attractiveness of the job profile and to systematize career paths to a UAS-professorship.


In order to achieve the project's goals, the Career Centre operates on three levels:

  • Short-term: recruiting diverse qualified personnel
  • Medium-term: targeted qualification of persons who lack individual requirements for appointability
  • Long-term: early approach and motivation to become a professor at a Technical University of Applied Sciences

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