The project network
Zwischen Stecknadelköpfen ist ein blauer Faden zu einem Netzwerk gespannt.

The project network

TH Wildau is part of a Germany-wide network of Technical Universities of Applied Sciences that cooperate in the recruitment of professors.

To the project "FH Personal"

Network organization and central campaigns

The Technical Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) funded within the "FH Personal" program are not only implementing measures within their own institutions to recruit professors. In order to sustainably improve the attractiveness of the profession, a joint and coordinated approach is important. To this end, the Federal Ministry has created an infrastructure in which the funded projects can exchange information on measures and learn from each other.

A special project website launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) presents the funded universities and their projects and provides information on milestones.

Fulda University of Applied Sciences coordinates a nationwide campaign that promotes UAS-professorships and presents professors as testimonials.

Another marketing campaign, also launched at Fulda University of Applied Sciences, raises awareness of the unique features of UAS, which offer many advantages as employers.

The website provides an overview of current job advertisements and employer profiles of Technical Universities in Germany.

Find out more about the special features of our university type and the UAS-professorship on the network pages.