What is diversity for us?
Buntstifte in allen Farben des Regenbogens mit unterschiedlichen Längen.

What is diversity for us?

To the Career Centre

For us, diversity means: valuing differences, utilizing potentials

TH Wildau already promotes diversity in many areas. It has joined the campaign "Universities against xenophobia" and has been certified as a family-friendly university since 2009. The Group for Diversity and Inclusion at the university pools activities and measures in the area of diversity management.

With the Career Centre for Professorial Development, an additional structure has been created to address the issue at the professorial level because structural exclusion mechanisms grow with increasing heights on the career ladder.

Unless the entire diversity of society is also reflected at the professorial level, the university will miss out on valuable potential. On the other hand, diverse professors enrich the university - both in terms of research quality and in cultural terms.

This is why the Career Centre for Professorial Development aims to promote diverse career paths. We believe that differences in origin, socialization, gender identity, health, family models or religious beliefs are individual assets.

It is our concern to compensate for structural disadvantages and to reduce barriers in the appointment to professorships. A particular focus is on attracting women to professorships in the STEM subjects, as they are still underrepresented in this area at TH Wildau.

Our Team

    Dr. phil. Ilona Kunkel

Diversity Marketing Dr. phil. Ilona Kunkel Dr. phil. Ilona Kunkel

Tel.: +49 3375 508 675
Email: ilona.kunkel@th-wildau.de
Web: https://www.th-wildau.de/karrierezentrum
House 13, Room 038

To the profile

    Susanne Voltmer

Project Manager Susanne Voltmer Susanne Voltmer

Tel.: +49 3375 508 391
Email: susanne.voltmer@th-wildau.de
Web: https://www.th-wildau.de/karrierezentrum
House 13, Room 038

To the profile