Because Diversity Rocks - Weil Vielfalt fetzt
Innenaufnahme eines Gebäudes der TH Wildau, in dem zwei Module der Ausstellung "Weil Vielfalt fetzt" aufgestellt sind.
4.11.-16.12.2024 | Travelling exhibition at TH Wildau

Because Diversity Rocks - Weil Vielfalt fetzt

In November and December 2024, TH Wildau dedicated a travelling exhibition and several events to the major topic of inclusion.

German version

Travelling exhibition of the LAG Saxony was at the TH Wildau

In November and December, the travelling exhibition Weil Vielfalt Fetzt (Because Diversity Rocks) was shown at the university. The travelling exhibition was developed by the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfe Sachsen e.V. (LAG SH Sachsen) with funding from the Free State of Saxony and Aktion Mensch.

Here, people with visible and invisible disabilities or chronic illnesses have their say, as do relatives and those involved in inclusion. The exhibition highlights the diversity of inclusion and gives the topic a face. All texts were available in standard and easy read German. The barrier-free guidance system blindFind for blind and visually impaired people was integrated into the exhibition.

Three accompanying events were organised to explore the content of the exhibition in greater depth.

Vernissage, November 12, 2024

After the ceremonial opening of the exhibition by President Prof. Ulrike Tippe and Mayor Frank Nerlich, Susanne Trotzki, presenter at radioSKW, led through the programme. Katja Rößner and Susanne Rößner from LAG Sachsen provided a deeper insight into the topic of inclusion and explained the background to the exhibition. The opening was concluded with a cultural highlight: a touching and thought-provoking performance by poetry slammer Johannes Keim. Afterwards, visitors were able to explore the exhibition together and socialise over food and drinks.

Experience day "Inclusion concerns us all!", December 5, 2024

A unique opportunity was offered on this day to interactively engage with the topic of inclusion. The LAG Sachsen team provided visitors with an extraordinary self-experience: they were able to try out aids such as wheelchairs and simulation glasses to experience first-hand how their perception of the familiar campus changes with a mobility or visual impairment. In addition, the university's internal counselling services, as well as the social counselling service of the Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg presented themselves.

Finissage, December 12, 2024

Susanne Voltmer, Project Manager of the Career Centre for Professorial Development, opened the finissage and Prof. Jörg Reiff-Stephan and Prof. Rainer Stollhoff set the perfect mood for the content with their welcoming speeches. Susanne Trotzki from radioSKW moderated the event and also gave personal insights into her everyday life with an inclusion child. This was followed by an exciting dialogue with para-swimmer and multiple medal winner Verena Schott and an inspiring contribution from inclusion ambassador Janis McDavid.



We look forward to your feedback on the exhibition and the events!