European Business Management, M.A.
European Business Management
Master's programme

European Business Management, M.A.

Master's programme in International Business with a focus on the European business environment.
All courses are given in English.

How to apply
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Master's Programme "European Business Management"


Welcome to our new European Business Management course, a master degree programme completely in English and designed for students aiming to work in an international business environment.

Key facts


Master of Arts

Language of instruction


Modes of study

full-time, part-time

Standard duration

4 semester (full-time), 7 semester (part-time)

Programme start

winter semester - Lectures start on 23 September 2024. For students who are not able to arrive in Wildau by this time, a possibility to follow online will be offered until 1 November. From 4 November 2024 onwards, all students are expected to attend classes on campus.

Credit Points/ECTS

120 Credit Points/ECTS


no tuition fees (the university only charges semester fees each semester), (details)

Application deadlines

Appplication Deadlines, applicants with foreign education certificates must apply via uni-assist e.V.


Business, Computing and Law

Study Objectives

European integration and global interdependence in an increasingly complex institutional and technological environment place growing demands on management and leadership skills.
The master's degree program is designed to develop appropriate skills with a focus on the specific environment of the European internal market and the institutions of the European Union. Furthermore students will acquire knowledge and skills for higher management activities and entrepreneurial decision-making in business, administration, associations and institutions at the European, but also on the national and global level.
A generalist and interdisciplinary approach is combined with the opportunity to specialize in selected subject areas.

Admission Requirements and Application

General Admission RequirementsOpen areaClose area

Application process

Applying with foreign school / university degree certificates via uni-assist


Applying with a German university admission qualification / German degree


Applying as an exchange students (Erasmus+ etc.)


Step-by-Step Guide Application Process

Specific Admission Requirements for the European Business Management, M.A.Open areaClose area

Academic Qualification

Prerequisite for admission to the master’s degree programme in European Management is a professional qualification from a related field of study (e.g., business, management, economics) from a higher education institution. The bachelor's degree programmes of European Management, European Business Administration, Business Management, and Business and Law at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau are deemed related fields of study.

Graduates of degree programmes with a different orientation must provide proof that the course content is comparable to degree programmes in a related field of study.

Degree programmes containing at least five modules of the following fields of study in an adequate form are deemed comparable:

  • Basics of Business Management
  • Economics
  • Basic Mathematics and Statistics
  • Finance and Financial Management
  • Marketing
  • Human resources and Human Resources Management
  • Controlling
  • Accounting
  • Taxation and Tax Law
  • EU Law and the Institutions of the European Union

These modules can also have been completed as part of a master's degree (e.g., MBA). Relevant work experience over and beyond eight weeks (see below) can be taken into account when assessing the student’s qualifications.

International Professional Experience or Semester Abroad

For admission, applicants must prove attendance of an internship or professional experience appropriate to the objectives of the degree programme. The experience must have been acquired in a country different from the student’s origin, or have a substantial international orientation (documented through employers statement). It must have a duration at least eight weeks in total; proof must be provided at the time of the application.
Alternatively, applicants can prove attendance of a study semester abroad (i.e., in a country different from the student’s origin) in a relevant field of study, encompassing successful coursework of least 25 ECTS or equivalent.

Language Requirements

For admission to this degree programme, applicants must demonstrate their knowledge of English in at least one of the following forms:

a) Proof of at least C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (GER) (recognised documents and certificates as in the valid version of the Proof of English Language Skills for Enrolment at TH Wildau -> Link),


b) Proof of acquisition of a higher education entrance qualification or higher education degree in English.


Programme Structure

Students acquire a broad range of management and related skills in three semesters of coursework.

The third semester requires a specialization in two specific subjects (‘minor specializations’), one of which can be extended to a ‘major specialization’ in the first weeks of the fourth and final semester. The rest of this semester is devoted to a master’s thesis on a topic of students’ own choice.

Competences acquired include strategic management, negotiating techniques and project management, entrepreneurship, information management, and the ability to understand and deal with complex global and European-level policy topics and processes.

Students benefit from the option of studying abroad with one of our partner universities and/or obtain a double degree (France - Lille 1 University or Spain - University of Córdoba), and of attending an international project in the first weeks of the fourth semester.

All courses are taught in small groups and enriched by a broad range of online-supported teaching methods.

Students have 24/7 access to the library.


Curriculum OverviewOpen areaClose area

Offers and further information

Contact Points

Degree Programme Director

Prof. Dr. Christian Hederer
+49 3375 508 341

Questions related to the academic programme or the transfer of credit points? Contact Prof. Dr. Hederer regarding questions specific to the European Management master's programme.



Juliane Kunzendorf
+49 3375 508 833

Student Advisory Service

Student Orientation and Advice

International Office

International Office

Application, admission, enrolment

Admission and Examinations