Dokumente und Ordnungen
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Rahmenordnung der TH Wildau / General Regulations of the Technical University (TH Wildau)

Stand 2024Open areaClose area

Rahmenordnung der TH Wildau (Amtliche Mitteilungen 12/2024)

General Regulations of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau, 31/2022)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung / Study and Examination Regulations

Modulhandbücher / Module Handbooks

Gültigkeit ab 2024Open areaClose area

Module Handbook 2024

This module handbook contains preliminary content for the specialisations and the elective modules. The final determination will follow in accordance with the regulations §7(5): "The Faculty Board decides on a list of permissible compulsory elective modules. The list of permitted compulsory elective modules for a winter semester must be decided by the Faculty Board at the end of the winter semester of the previous year and for the summer semester at the end of the summer semester of the previous year.".