Full-Time Students

Full-Time Students

German version

Application process international full-time students

Our university offers different practice-oriented, interdisciplinary Bachelor and Master study programmes. You will find here all details regarding the application procedure for full-time studies in Wildau.

Step 1: Check the (programme-specific) application requirementsOpen areaClose area

Several of our study programmes have specific application requirements. Please check the website of the study programme you are interested in to check whether you meet the requirements.


Step 2: Find your correct applicant groupOpen areaClose area

Check which applicant group you belong to and follow the corresponding idications.

Please take into consideration our application deadlines:

  • Application deadline for the winter semester: 15.06. (requested deadline), 15.07 at the latest.
  • Application deadline for the summer semester: 15.12. - 15.01.

You can find an overview of the degree programs (free/restricted) and when they are offered (winter semester/summer semester) here: degree programs.


Step 3: Send your application before deadlineOpen areaClose area

If you have a foreign diploma, please apply directly using the online application portal of uni-assist before the application deadline.

Please do not apply additionally through the online portal of TH Wildau. After uni-assist e.V. has submitted your application to our university, you will receive an e-mail from TH Wildau with your personal cedentials to access the online portal of TH Wildau.

You can find a detailed description of your application via uni-assist here.

You are also welcome to visit our FAQs on uni-assist.

Step 4: Get your admission letterOpen areaClose area

TH Wildau makes every effort to inform all applicants as early as possible. Since the application process runs until 15 July or 15 January and all applications must be reviewed and processed before a selection can be made, you can expect to be notified at the beginning of August for the winter semester and at the beginning of February for the summer semester.

You will receive the corresponding admission notices from TH Wildau on the TH Wildau online portal or, for Bachelor study programmes with restricted admissions (DoSV), on the hochschulstart.de online portal.

Your stay at TH Wildau


Find questions to your answers!

FAQ's to your application at uni-assist

Do you have further questions?

Then you are welcome to send us an email to:
