Studying in Wildau A-Z
Drei Studierende im Opp:Lab am Laptop im Ohrensessel

Studying in Wildau A-Z

Information and services about the organisation of your degree programme

German version
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Accesses and links

Organisation from A to Z

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For students who want to live close to the university, several housing facilities are available.
More information


You receive your personal university account from the Admission and Examinations Department on the day of your enrolment. Use your “username” and “password” to log into the TH Online Portal where you can manage your personal data relating to your studies.

Change of address

TH Online Portal


Bachelor’s degree

All degree programmes are awarded the academic degree of bachelor or master. These are recognised throughout Europe and guarantee a high degree of mobility for graduates.

The duration of a bachelor’s degree programme is either six or seven semesters. The bachelor’s thesis is written during the final semester. In Europe, the bachelor’s is the first “international” academic degree that can be used to directly enter into a career.

Bank account

Please open a bank account as soon as possible after your arrival in Germany. This will allow you to manage monthly payments for health insurance and rent in a more efficient way.
More information

Buddy Programme

The Buddy Programme offers a support network in which TH Wildau students or employees assist newly-arrived international students. The goal of the program is to facilitate the integration of international students into German society and life at the TH Wildau, and to develop ties between international and local students.

Bursay from the “Foundation of Student Support at TH Wildau”

The institute provides financial assistance to all overseas students at TH Wildau who show above-average performance in their studies. (only German version)



On our green campus, located on a historic industrial site, you never have far to travel and there are great opportunities for relaxation before and after classes.
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Campus app "Unidos Wildau"

More information

Certificate of student status

Your certificate of student status can be printed from the TH Online Portal at

Change of address

You can change your address at any time via the TH Online Portal

Change of degree programme

You may change to a different degree programme within the university if you have studied for at least one semester in the degree programme for which you were admitted, you have the university admission qualification for the “new” degree programme and there is a place free on the course. Applications to change degree programme or university, as well as application for a higher semester, must be submitted by 15th January (for the summer semester) and 15th July (for the winter semester) to the Student Affairs department. We will be happy to advise you over the phone beforehand.

Change of university

You may change to a different university if there are places free on the desired degree programme. An enrolment application must be submitted in order to do this (by 15th January for the summer semester, by 15th July for the winter semester). If enrolment is accepted, then you must apply to de-register from the previous university. You may only enrol once you have been de-registered from your previous university.

When changing university, you must submit an application for the courses you have already taken to be recognised. A decision on this application will be made by the examination board of the degree programme you are switching to. For advice on changing university, please speak with the Department of Student Affairs. Entering into a higher semester requires that you can demonstrate completion of studies for the new degree programme from the previous semester(s).

Chip card / student ID card

Every student at TH Wildau receives a chip card which has the following functions:

  • student ID
  • library ID
  • semester ticket (public transport ticket for Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB))
  • access to the university car park
  • access to the parent and child room
  • access to the seminar rooms in buildings 16 and 17 (electronic key)
  • payment function (cashless payments) in the dining hall, cafeterias and copy centre
  • Copy quota (only for student employees of TH Wildau)

Cashless payment

In order to make cashless payments using the chip card, you must first load money onto it. Use the top-up stations in the entrance area of the cafeteria, in the entrance area of Building 13, or in the library copier room to load money onto your card.

Update / validation

The chip card must be updated at the validation machines (buildings 13, 15, 16 and 17) each time you re-register and provided with the new semester ticket for public transport in the VBB area.

Loss /defects

Please report lost or defective chip cards to Building 13, Room 126 (semester ticket service point).

Class and examination schedule


Cloud service

Free cloud storage for TH Wildau students: Nextcloud

Completing your studies / Returning to your home country

The following should be kept in mind when returning home:

  • Residence: Inform the landlord about your departure and schedule an appointment to hand over the flat. Keep in mind the applicable notice periods.
  • Library: Make sure to return all books you borrowed from the library.
  • Residence de-registration: Don't forget to de-register yourself at the local registration office.
  • Insurance: Please inform the insurance company about your departure so that your German health insurance can be stopped.
  • Bank: Don't forget to close your German bank account in case you have one.

Credit Points (CP) / European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Studies that you complete are awarded Credit Points (CP) according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This allows credits earned from classes and seminars at other universities (within Germany and other European countries) to be recognised. A bachelor’s degree comprises between 180 and 240 CP, a master’s between 60 and 120 CP.

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Degree certificate

All students receive their degree certificate upon graduation.

Admission and Examinations Department

Degree programme director

A degree programme director is appointed for each programme to deal with all technical, content and organisation matters. In the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences he/she is also the chairperson of the examinations board for the degree programme and student load office for their respective degree programme. In the Faculty of Business, Computimg and Law, the dean also serves at the chairperson of each examination board.


You can apply to de-register yourself at any time. Once results of final examination are released and all have been passed, de-registration will take place on the same day the results are released or at the end of the respective semester. De-registration may also occur if you fail to re-register on time before the start of the semester, due to other reasons given in the enrolment regulations of TH Wildau, or you have failed to pass a required examination according to examination regulations.

Dining hall and cafeterias

Dining hall menu and opening hours

Distance learning degree programme

Distance learning degree programmes are intended for those who would like to study for a degree whilst still working. Classes and seminars therefore take place on Saturdays or in “block weeks”.

Dual degree programme

A dual degree programme combines university studies with vocational training (training integrated) or practical experience (practice integrated) in a company.



How do I recognize problems in my studies at an early stage? The Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau has set up an early warning system to better support and assist students.

E-Learning / Moodle

To supplement the teaching provided by teaching staff, courses are also available on the Moodle e-learning platform. Alongside courses for each degree programme, students have access to a wide range of supplementary courses. A university login and password is required to gain access. All students receive this account automatically when they enrol.

Moodle provides a range of features, including:

  • File upload and download (PowerPoint, PDF, etc.)
  • Task submission and evaluation
  • Surveys and polls
  • Test creation
  • Wikis
  • Glossary creation
  • Forum discussions

Email address setup

Your university account allows you to access more than just the campus network and other services. You also automatically receive an “” email address. You can access your email via the webmail page or using an email client of your choice on your computer.

Information relating to your degree programme is sent exclusively to this email address. Please therefore regularly check for any new messages.

Information about how to set up and access your email is available from the Support Centre in the University IT Centre.

House 13, Room 151
Tel: +49 (0) 33 75 / 508 800
Email: supportcenter(at)


Enrolment must be completed before the enrolment deadline via the TH Wildau Online Portal. Registration is then carried out by yourself or an authorised representative by the fixed deadline indicated on your letter of admission.

Please bring to registration (date will be indicated in your letter of admission):

  • letter of admission
  • any required documents not previously submitted
  • the ID of the authorised person and authorisation that was issued.

Applicants under the age of 18 must present a consent form signed by their legal representative at the time of registration. The representative’s ID card must also be presented.

All student body and student union fees, re-registration and enrolment charges as well as the cost of the semester ticket must be paid in full before enrolment (see admission letter for amount).

Enrolment certificate

TH Online Portal

Examinations board

The examinations board makes decisions on all examination matters submitted by students. Meetings take place at regular intervals.

Examination paper

Students have the right to view their examination paper. Please contact your lecturer in this regard.

Examination periods

The examination period usually falls in the first two weeks after the end of the teaching period during a semester. Information about resitting examinations can be found in the examination regulations for your programme. Exact dates for examination periods can be found in the current year planner (see "semester times").

Registration for examinations

Examinations for modules take place at the end of the semester in which the classes and seminars are run. When you register to study for that semester, you are automatically registered for all module examinations.

Examination results

Examination results are released via the TH Online Portal.

Examination timetable

The form of examinations is determined by the lecturers. All examination times can be found in the timetable.

You must register for examinations at least 14 days before the date of the examination via the TH Online Portal.

Examination: types of examination

Examinations may be oral, written essays, in-class tests or other written work, project work, laboratory experiments as well as other types of controlled work that can be evaluated against the same standards.




TH Wildau is divided into two faculties, under which the different degree programmes fall.

The faculties are tasked with the organisation of degree programmes, conducting examinations and organising research.

The faculties are administered independently. Decisions on the structure of degree programmes, timetables, teaching duties, appointment of new staff, student applications, etc., are made by the faculty committees. These committees also include student representatives.

Faculty board

The faculty board is the most important decision-making entity in the faculty. All decisions relating to the structure of degree programmes, staff appointments, many student applications, etc., are made here.

Family Advisory Service

Studying with children – definitely a challenge. The Family Office will support you.


Please see "Semester fee".


Financing a study stay is one of the main challenges for international students. Before coming to Germany, when applying for a visa, you already have to prove that you have sufficient means to finance your stay.
More information

Fit4Study – Supported introductory period

At the start of the semester we offer a structured and supported introductory period called fit4study. The aim is to make it easier for all new students on bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes to get going with their studies.

Workshops on learning and writing techniques, scientific papers, introductions to using the library, the Moodle learning platform and campus tours are provided.

Forms and documents

Please see the German website: Forms and applications

Foundation for supporting students at TH Wildau

Stiftung zur Förderung Studierender der TH Wildau

Foundation programme

The Wildau Foundation Year is the preparation programme for prospective international students who would like to study in Germany.


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View grades

Your grades and examination results can be accessed via the TH Online Portal.


Health insurance

If you have not yet taken out health insurance for your stay in Germany, we recommend that you contact a statutory health insurance company in Germany as soon as possible. They will then advise you on your options and, if necessary, provide you with further information, e.g. on how to take out a policy online. Please compare the conditions of the providers yourself.

If you are already insured with a statutory health insurance provider in Germany, please contact them. The health insurance company will then send the corresponding electronic notification of your insurance status (M10) directly to us.

If you are unable to take out statutory health insurance (e.g. because you are over 30 years old), please still contact a statutory health insurance company. They will then advise you.

If you are already privately insured or insured abroad, please also contact a statutory health insurance company in Germany and send them a copy of your letter of admission. Please also send copies of your insurance documents so that your insurance cover can be checked. If it turns out that your health insurance does not fulfil the standards required for enrolment, the statutory health insurance company will inform you of this and advise you. If you fulfil all the requirements, the health insurance company will send the corresponding electronic notification of your insurance status (M10) directly to us.

Please note: The insurance card or a written membership certificate are not sufficient. You cannot be enrolled without the electronic notification from a statutory health insurance fund about your health insurance status.

Please see the German website for further information. 



If you are ill on the day of an examination, you will still be entitled to take the exam at another time. Please submit the appropriate form to notify you are unable to take the examination (available on the website under “Forms and applications”), including a doctor’s note confirming that you are not fit to sit the examination, to the faculty office within 3 days.


There are at least three different types of insurance that are important for you as an international student at TH Wildau: health insurance, accident insurance and liability insurance.
More information

International Office

Before and during your time at the TH Wildau the team at the International Office is your central contact point.

Internship officer

The internship officer provides information and support in preparing and organisation of practical experience semesters as well as selecting a company in which to do the internship.

The internship officers for the faculty of Business, Computing and Law can be found on the faculty website.

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Language courses

Languages can be integrated into your studies at TH Wildau as compulsory or elective subjects depending on your degree programme.

The Language Centre at TH Wildau also offers the “Deutsch als Fremdsprache” course free of charge. Optional courses in English, Spanish and Italian are also offered, some free of charge and some for a fee.

Learning agreement

TH Wildau requires all exchange students to send the International Office a completed – and authorised by your home university – Learning Agreement, containing 5 to 7 different courses, covering at least 20, and maximally 30 ECTS per semester. We will try to arrange your desired course programme.

However, there may be some clashes in the schedule where the different courses are part of separate study programmes or take place in different semesters. If any changes to your Learning Agreement are necessary once you have arrived in Wildau, you have two weeks’ time to inform us about these changes.


TH Wildau provides a modern and well-equipped library. The university library has around 100,000 printed media and about 150 magazine subscriptions available in printed format. Everything is freely accessible. The digital library comprises more than 34,000 e-journals, e-books and databases. Many text books can be borrowed for a period of up to three months. You can work or do research with your own computer using the Wi-Fi, or make use of one of the 150 study desks.

Lost and found office

Have you lost something or want to hand in something that you have found? Please visit the lost and found office to do this.

Mirjam Belger

Tel: +49 3375 508 142
Email: mirjam.belger(at)
House 13, Room 110

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Master’s degree

After achieving a bachelor’s degree, it is possible (depending on your interests, grades and career experience) to undertake a four-semester master’s programme. This allows you to deepen your specialist knowledge of your own field or gain relevant practical knowledge in a different field.

Even those who are pursuing a scientific career will require a two-year master’s degree, as this is generally required to receive a doctorate.


The Mediothek is a self-learning centre open for all students and staff at TH Wildau.


Mentors are appointed for students in each degree programme. These provide support and advice to students throughout the standard duration of study. The mentor is your contact person for any questions about your studies, e.g. study abroad, choosing core areas of study/electives, preparation for practical semesters, finals and changing your course of study.

The mentor responsible for your year is appointed by the degree programme director.


Curriculums for bachelor’s and master’s programmes are divided into different modules that focus on different topics with relevant classes and seminars. This allows the curriculum to be carefully structured. Classes and seminars take place over a maximum of two semesters and are usually open to students of several different specialisations.



Orientation day

After having arrived in Germany, everything will be new for you: the university, the town ... At the beginning of each semester we organise an orientation day at our university to provide you with some basic information about life in Germany and in Wildau. During this event you will also have the chance to meet other students.


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Preparation courses

In order to get off to a successful start with your degree programme we offer study preparation courses, for which a fee is charged, to refresh your basic knowledge and provide an introduction to the field. Please find out about the contents of your degree programme in order to select the most appropriate preparation courses.

An overview of courses is available here: (only in German)

Refresher courses:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • English

Introductory courses:

  • Programming
  • Technical mechanics


TH Wildau provides a pre-semester during the summer semester so that you can take a little more time to prepare for your studies. This aims to improve your study skills so that you can more easily tackle the challenges of starting university. The pre-semester offers sufficient opportunity to revise and practice the basics of mathematics and science along with other study skills.

Public transport/ semester ticket

With your student ID card, you can use all public transport in Brandenburg and Berlin (except for high-speed trains). For more concrete information on the public transport in Berlin and Brandenburg, please take a look at the following website:  (VBB)

With S-Bahn line S 46, you can travel from Berlin to Königs Wusterhausen. The second last stop (direction: Königs Wusterhausen) is 'Wildau'. This S-Bahn station is directly in front of our university campus.

Update / validation

The student ID card must be updated at the validation machines each time you re-register and provided with the new semester ticket for public transport in the VBB area.

In order to extend the validity period of the student ID card and print the semester ticket for use on public transport, please use the validation machines in Buildings 13, 15 and 16 (between Rooms 16-1064 and 16-1065) as well as in Hall 17. You will need to have successfully re-enrolled for the new semester for this to work.

The University IT Centre or Support Centre can assist you in using the validation stations.

House 13, Room 151
Tel: +49 (0) 33 75 / 508 800
Email: supportcenter(at)

Psychosocial Counselling Service

Studying is a decisive and turbulent phase of life. Conflicts and crises are part of it. It is not always possible to resolve these on your own. It is often difficult to make the decision to seek counselling or therapy. But uncertainty, disorientation and psychological problems during your studies are nothing unusual. Find help. More about


Recognition of examinations already sat

Examinations you have already sat at other universities can be recognised for the current semester, before or at the start, within the first six weeks of the semester. Applications must be submitted to the appropriate faculty examinations board. Certified documents showing details of module content, grades, references and other evidence must be included.

Please submit your application for recognition of previous studies to your faculty examination board immediately after enrolment. The application form is available on the TH Wildau website under “Forms and applications”.

Re-registration for the next semester

According to the enrolment regulations of TH Wildau, each student who wishes to continue with his/her degree programme must reregister at the start of each new semester. Re-registration is in November for the summer semester (deadline 30th November) and in May for the winter semester (deadline 31st May).

Re-registration will be announced via email to your university account by the Student Affairs department, a notice posted publicly at the university and on the TH Wildau homepage under the current semester fee information.

Re-registration is done by making sure all fees and charges are paid on time and any certificates from your health insurance submitted (in the event of any changes) as well as a current residency permit. Re-registration can only be completed once semester fees have been paid in full and all required documents submitted.

If you have any queries please contact the Student Affairs department:

Tel: +49 (0) 33 75 / 508 666
Email: studentische.angelegenheiten(at)

Residence permit / visa

Should you require a visa, make sure you apply for it as early as possible, as visa processing usually takes several weeks or even months.
More information

Residence registration

Just like German citizens, international students have to register their residence at the registration office of the town hall of the city in which they are currently living. When you move into a flat, room or shared apartment, you have to register yourself at the registration office within one week. You should also do this if you move to a different address.
More information: Registration, insurance, bank


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Semester fees

There are no tuition fees, except for master's programmes at the Wildau Institute of Technology (Graduate School). However, all students are charged a semester fee each semester, similar to all other German universities.

The semester fee for full-time study includes contributions for the students’ union, student council, enrolment and re-registration fees as well as the cost of the semester ticket for using public transport in the Berlin-Brandenburg area (VBB).

The semester fee for distance learning degree programmes is made up of the fees listed above as well as a study fee or, from the start of the Bachelor’s semester, an administration fee.  The contribution for the semester ticket must not be paid by distance learning students.

Here you can find the current semester fee and its individual components: Reregistration and semester fee

Semester ticket / public transport

With your student ID card, you can use all public transport in Brandenburg and Berlin (except for high-speed trains). For more concrete information on the public transport in Berlin and Brandenburg, please take a look at the following website:  (VBB)

With S-Bahn line S 46, you can travel from Berlin to Königs Wusterhausen. The second last stop (direction: Königs Wusterhausen) is 'Wildau'. This S-Bahn station is directly in front of our university campus.

Update / validation

The student ID card must be updated at the validation machines each time you re-register and provided with the new semester ticket for public transport in the VBB area.

In order to extend the validity period of the student ID card and print the semester ticket for use on public transport, please use the validation machines in Buildings 13, 15 and 16 (between Rooms 16-1064 and 16-1065) as well as in Hall 17. You will need to have successfully re-enrolled for the new semester for this to work.

The University IT Centre or Support Centre can assist you in using the validation stations.

House 13, Room 151
Tel: +49 (0) 33 75 / 508 800
Email: supportcenter(at)

Semester times

The academic year comprises one summer semester (March to July) and one winter semester (September to January).

The start and end of the lecture and examination periods, as well as semester breaks and re-registration deadlines are established quite far in advance by the TH Wildau year planner.

Seminar group representative / Course representative

At the start of studies, each seminar group elects a representative for their group (also known as a course representative) and a deputy. This person represents the seminar group to lecturers and the degree programme director.

The seminar group representative is responsible for passing on university information to the seminar group. He/she will set up a mailing list (via email) to distribute this information and will regularly check the seminar group pigeon hole in the faculty office. He/she will also participate in degree programme meetings with other seminar group representatives and is involved in the organisation of events for the seminar group.

Student advisory service

The Student Orientation and Advice department helps students with any questions they may have before starting at the university and during their first weeks of study.

Student Affairs department

From application to graduation – the Student Affairs department is the first point of contact for all questions related to the administration of studying at the university.

Student ID card / chip card

Every student at TH Wildau receives a chip card which has the following functions:

  • student ID
  • library ID
  • semester ticket (public transport ticket for Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB))
  • access to the university car park
  • access to the parent and child room
  • access to the seminar rooms in buildings 16 and 17 (electronic key)
  • payment function (cashless payments) in the dining hall, cafeterias and copy centre
  • Copy quota (only for student employees of TH Wildau)

Cashless payment

In order to make cashless payments using the chip card, you must first load money onto it. Use the top-up stations in the entrance area of the cafeteria, in the entrance area of Building 13, or in the library copier room to load money onto your card.

Update / validation

The chip card must be updated at the validation machines (buildings 13, 15, 16 and 17) each time you re-register and provided with the new semester ticket for public transport in the VBB area.

Loss /defects

Please report lost or defective chip cards to Building 13, Room 126 (semester ticket service point).

Student loan officer

In the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, the respective degree programme director is also the student loan officer.

The student load officers for the faculty of Business, Computing and Law can be found on the faculty website.


Got doubts about your studies? TH Wildau offers individual advice and support through its “StudienCoaching” programme to students who are experiencing difficulties with their studies, are unsure about their choice of degree programme or are thinking about terminating their studies.

Study abroad

Study abroad for one or two semesters at one of TH Wildau‘s 100 partner universities.
Whether you’re interested in studying abroad for a semester or doing an internship – the International Office can provide you with advice and support in finding something and inform you about funding and financing options.

Study advisory board

The faculty study advisory board deals with the didactic and methodological issues from a technical and content-related perspective for all degree programmes in the faculty and is responsible for planning and structuring teaching activities as well as maintaining module handbooks and course schemes.

The advisory board is a committee without any permanent members and is open to all teaching staff in the faculty. At a minimum it generally includes degree programme directors from each degree programme as well as the dean. Students from different degree programmes may also be represented during committee sessions. This gives students the opportunity to participate in the organisation and development of degree programmes and the faculty.

Study and Examination Regulations

Each degree programme has its own Study and Examination Regulations (German: "Studien- und Prüfungsordnung"). Any current changes and updates to these can be found on the German website under "Amtliche Mitteilungen".

The examination regulations are also published on the website of your degree programme: overview of degree programmes

Study preparation courses

In order to get off to a successful start with your degree programme we offer study preparation courses, for which a fee is charged, to refresh your basic knowledge and provide an introduction to the field. Please find out about the contents of your degree programme in order to select the most appropriate preparation courses.

An overview of courses is available here: (only in German)

Refresher courses:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • English

Introductory courses:

  • Programming
  • Technical mechanics

Supported introductory period: Fit4Study

At the start of the semester we offer a structured and supported introductory period called fit4study. The aim is to make it easier for all new students on bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes to get going with their studies.

Workshops on learning and writing techniques, scientific papers, introductions to using the library, the Moodle learning platform and campus tours are provided.

Suspension of studies / leave of abscence

Students may apply to suspend their studies for up to two consecutive semesters where they have important reasons to do so and have already successfully completed the first semester of their studies. Applications must be made in writing to the relevant faculty during the semester prior. While studies are suspended, students retain all rights as members of the university. As a general rule, it is not permitted to attend any classes and seminars during this period, nor receive any certificates of participation.

According to the Brandenburg Higher Education Act, the administration fee of 51.00 euros will not be charged where your studies are suspended due to illness, providing care to relatives, use of maternity and parental leave as well as attending national or civilian service. Please submit an application for reimbursement to the Semester Ticket Service Point in the payment office of TH Wildau, Building 13, Room 139.

An application to be released from having to pay contributions to the student’s union must be submitted during re-registration after your suspension of studies to the Studentenwerk Potsdam, Social Advice Centre, if you did not use of the student union’s services whilst absent.



TH Online Portal

The TH Online Portal provides the following functions:

  • Setup and manage your university account
  • View examination results
  • Deregister from examinations
  • View average grade/grade certificates
  • Print enrolment and confirmation of student status certificates
  • Change of address
  • View invoices


Timetables for the seminar groups in each course of study will be published on the website no later than two weeks before the start of the semester. These timetables apply for one semester and the subsequent examinations.

More information can be found at: Class and examination schedule

Tuition fees

There are no tuition fees, except for master's programmes at the Wildau Institute of Technology (Graduate School). However, all students are charged a semester fee each semester, similar to all other German universities.

Here you can find the current semester fee and its individual components (in German): Rückmeldung und Semesterbeiträge

Types of examination

Examinations may be oral, a written paper or other written work, project work in the form of a practical case study, or

other controlled method that can be evaluated to the same standards. Exact details are determined by the study and examination regulations for each degree programme.



University account

You receive your personal university account from the Department of Student Affairs on the day of your enrolment. Use your “username” and “password” to log into the TH Online Portal where you can manage your personal data relating to your studies.

Using the library

TH Wildau provides a modern and well-equipped library. Mor information and Service: University Library

  • The university library has around 100,000 printed media and about 150 magazine subscriptions available in printed format. Everything is freely accessible.
  • The digital library comprises more than 34,000 e-journals, e-books and databases.
  • Many text books can be borrowed for a period of up to three months. You can work or do research with your own computer using the Wi-Fi, or make use of one of the 150 study desks.


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Visa / Residence permit

Should you require a visa, make sure you apply for it as early as possible, as visa processing usually takes several weeks or even months.
More information



Wi-Fi access points are installed throughout the TH Wildau campus. In order to get online using these, your laptop must support the use of Wi-Fi. Connect using the “eduroam” network. You can further secure your connection using the programme “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client”. When starting the programme, enter the username and password associated with your university account. Make sure your web browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) is properly configured.


Finding a room on campus