Doctoral studies at a University of Applied Sciences (UAS)
For those who are passionate about research and want to establish themselves in academia, a further important qualification step inevitably follows after graduation: a doctorate, the equivalent to the PhD in Germany, is an opportunity to prove one's aptitude for academic work and to work independently on a previously unresolved research question.
This is generally recognised at universities and doctoral candidates are supported in this qualification step by a variety of structures. At Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), the doctorate is not yet a matter of course: Although Universities of Applied Sciences have benefited structurally from the Bologna reform and UAS-degrees have been equated with university degrees, there is still no nationwide UAS-doctorate law. However, in some federal states, including Brandenburg, there is the possibility of a co-operative doctorate.
Co-operative doctorate
You can obtain your doctorate at a University of Applied Sciences in co-operation with a university: doctoral students need two supervising professors: the first supervisor is based at a university, while the second supervisor is based at the UAS. Another special feature of a UAS-doctorate is the practical orientation that is characteristic of our type of university. In addition to their two academic supervisors, doctoral students at a UAS often have a professional partner, so that they benefit from a broad support network.
Those who embark on the journey of several years of independent research acquire an essential qualification for a UAS-professorship with their doctorate. Here, a postdoctoral qualification like a habilitation, which is required at universities, is not necessary.
Doctoral studies at TH Wildau
The TH Wildau has its own Research Training Group for the structured education of doctoral students. The Career Centre for Professorial Development, which itself funds four doctoral positions, is also assigned to this Research Training Group.
Doctoral students at the Career Centre for Professorial Development
If you have any general questions about the requirements and opportunities for a doctorate at a UAS, the staff at the Career Centre will be happy to advise you! Simply arrange an individual counselling appointment with us.
If you have specific questions about doing a doctorate at the TH Wildau, the staff of the Research Training Group will be happy to help you.