PROMOS scholarship program

PROMOS scholarship program

Studying outside Europe? Find out more about PROMOS!

German Version

General information on the PROMOS programme

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) uses funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to support the PROMOS programme to increase the mobility of students in German universities.

The aims of the programme are:

1: To increase the mobility of students and PhD students at German universities

2: To prioritise the universities' own international mobility

3: Prioritising and expanding the internationalisation strategy

The programme thus makes a long-term contribution to the development of efficient and cosmopolitan universities.

In accordance with the DAAD's funding guidelines, Promos can be used to fund study visits, internships, research visits for final theses, language and specialised courses as well as study and competition trips worldwide.

Eligible funding programme in the DAAD PROMOS

Study visitsOpen areaClose area

The funding period for study visits must be at least one month and may not exceed six months. The following study programmes can be funded:

- Studies at universities

- Final thesis and dissertations at companies or universities

Final thesis/study projects that are neither carried out at a university nor at a company can be funded in exceptional cases if the relevant department fully supports the project and the students submit a detailed timetable that can also be used later to monitor success.

Funding is mainly provided for study visits outside Europe or outside the EU. Projects are only possible in exceptional cases or only where there is no Erasmus co-operation.

InternshipsOpen areaClose area

Internships must be at least one and no longer than six months. Priority will be given to the specific internship programmes of the DAAD. Information on this can be found at: Internship placement - DAAD.

Internships can also be funded in the period between the Bachelor's degree and the start of the Master's programme. Pre-admission for the Master's programme or a similar document from a German university must be available.

Internships in the EU can only be funded in exceptional cases due to the overlap with the EU Erasmus+ programme.

Language coursesOpen areaClose area

Language courses must last at least three weeks (maximum 6 months) to be eligible for funding.

Language courses can be held at universities or established language institutes and must be at least 25 hours per week.

Due to the limited budget, unfortunately no language courses abroad can currently be funded via PROMOS. We recommend that you make use of the corresponding course programmes at the TH Wildau.

Specialised coursesOpen areaClose area

The maximum duration of funding specialised courses is six weeks.

Specialised courses includes: summer courses/schools, workshops at universities or similar events.


Study tripsOpen areaClose area

Study trips with a duration of up to twelve days can be funded by means of flat-rate subsistence allowances for the participants (university students). In addition, a maximum of one accompanying person (e.g. lecturer at the university) can be funded by means of these flat-rate subsistence allowances.

In addition to imparting subject-related knowledge and insights into the country, the focus must be on meeting international students and academics on site.

At the TH Wildau, the (pro-rata) funding of such study trips can only take place subject to the availability of sufficient funds and upon application by the relevant university lecturer and after proven qualified selection of applicants in the department.

Competition tripsOpen areaClose area

Competition trips with a maximum duration of twelve days can be funded by means of accommodation allowances for the participants (students of the university). In addition, a maximum of one accompanying person (e.g. a lecturer from the university) can be funded by means of these accommodation allowances.

Competition between students should be at the mid of the trip.

Due to the very limited budget, unfortunately no competition trips can currently be funded at the TH Wildau.

Information on applying for funding through the DAAD PROMOS programme

Application requirements and criteriaOpen areaClose area

Students enrolled at the TH Wildau are eligible to apply if they:

have German citizenship or are equivalent to Germans according to § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff., paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG
(in this context, the wording of the law applies, which can be found at:
or are enrolled as students and graduated without German citizenship in a degree programme at the TH Wildau with the aim of obtaining a degree here.

Students without German citizenship are not permitted to stay in their home country. The home country is the country in which the student has lived for at least five years.


Application documents:

Please submit your application for Promos funding for one of the above-mentioned projects abroad to the International Office (Dr Angelika Schubert), who will also be happy to provide you with further information or arrange a personal consultation.

Until further notice, the application deadline is 15 November for projects abroad in the following academic year.

Your application should include the following documents:

  • Letter of application (statement of motivation, description of the project and choice of host organisation)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with photo (in German and/or English)
  • current transcript of grades (for Master's students additionally Bachelor's certificate and Bachelor's transcript)
  • Subject-specific letter of recommendation
  • Proof or letter of recommendation regarding English language skills (at least B2) or corresponding current certificates (e.g. DAAD language certificate, LCCI, TOEFL)
  • Current certificate of enrolment
  • Any other documents (e.g. job references, certificates of social commitment, internship assessments, other language certificates, confirmation of place or certificate of acceptance from the partner university, etc.)
  • Eg: For internships: Internship contract


Selection criteria for PROMOS fundingOpen areaClose area

The most important basis for a decision on Promos funding is the respective to the application and documents.

The selection is made by a selection committee, which may include representatives from the International Office and the HS management as well as other members (e.g. programme or cooperation managers from the departments).   

It is based in particular on the following criteria:

  • Academic achievements / academic qualification
    (previous academic achievements at the TH Wildau and, if applicable, previous academic qualifications acquired at other universities; grade point average should not be lower than 2.5; if possible, no open examinations from previous semesters)
  • Motivation and references
    (professional and personal reasons for the planned stay abroad)
  • Quality of the planned project abroad
    (planning and feasibility of the study project at the host institution (e.g. any agreements already made with the responsible programme director regarding recognition, etc.); ability to integrate the internship or study period abroad into the studies at TH Wildau (i.e. the planned stay abroad should not lead to an extension of the standard period of study if possible))
  • Language skills
    (Advanced knowledge of English; if necessary, knowledge of the (working) language of the host country)
  • Soziales und sonstiges Engagement der Bewerberin / des Bewerbers
    (z.B. Tätigkeit als Buddy-Student/in für internationale Studierende, Mitarbeit im StuRa oder StuPa der TH Wildau, sonstiges gesellschaftliches Engagement innerhalb oder außerhalb der Hochschule)

Funding information and funding rates in the DAAD PROMOS programmeOpen areaClose area

Funding for study visits, internships, thesis and specialised courses is provided in the form of partial scholarships and/or travel allowances. The amount of the scholarship installments and travel allowances depends on the respective destination country.

Study trips are subsidised by means of lump-sum accommodation allowances.

The Promos scholarship can sometimes be combined with other funding, e.g. with the Deutschlandstipendium or scholarships from private funds. Double funding from German public funds is excluded.

If you would like to apply for BAföG abroad, you must notify the responsible BAföG office abroad of the receipt of the approved DAAD Promos scholarship.

This may then be offset against the BAföG benefits if the Promos scholarship exceeds the amount of €300 per month.

Current subsidy rates:


Please note:
Unfortunately, the TH Wildau only has a very limited budget in the DAAD PROMOS programme. Therefore, study projects abroad (study visits, internships, thesis, study trips, specialised courses) can usually only be partially funded.
This means that, as a rule, either only a (time-limited) partial scholarship for the study visit or a partial scholarship for mobility (travel allowance) can be granted.
Students who are entitled to BAföG abroad do not receive a travel grant, as the corresponding lump sum is already granted via the BAföG abroad.
Tuition fees at the host university cannot generally be subsidised due to the limited funds available.

Travel and insurance adviceOpen areaClose area

When planning and carrying out activities abroad, you are strongly advised to observe the travel and safety instructions and in particular the ( part of) the travel warnings issued by the Federal Foreign Office:

Please check your insurance cover in preparation for your trip abroad and ensure that you have adequate health insurance abroad (with the option of repatriation in the event of a medical emergency or medically necessary specialised treatment) as well as private liability insurance and, if necessary, accident insurance.

It is possible to take out appropriate international insurance (combined health, accident and personal liability insurance) via the DAAD group tariff.

Tariff information can be found at:

The insurance can only be taken out online:

If you have any questions about international insurance, please contact the DAAD insurance office by e-mail: Versicherungsstelle(at)

In addition, the required insurance cover abroad can also be arranged through other insurance providers.

Please note that you are responsible for any insurance benefits.

    Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Outgoing mobility within the International Office Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Tel.: +49 3375 508 197
House 13, Room 034

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