Further funding programmes
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Further funding programmes

Do you want to get out and explore the world? Interested in studying in France, Australia or Brazil? TH Wildau organises international exchanges with over 100 partner universities around the world.

German Version

Which funding and financing options are available?

Generally, the type of funding depends on the nature of the stay abroad. Within the EU, the Erasmus+ programme in particular offers opportunities for financial support, whereas scholarships can be applied via DAAD PROMOS programme for stays abroad outside the EU.

Students also have the option of applying for BAföG funding abroad. Various other programmes of the German Academic Exchange Service Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) are also available. You can also apply to various other organisations for projects abroad funding. The scholarship database Stipendiendatenbank "mystipendium.de". for example, offers help in the search for suitable funding opportunities.

    Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Outgoing mobility within the International Office Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Tel.: +49 3375 508 197
Email: angelika.schubert@th-wildau.de
House 13, Room 034

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