This project aims to anticipate future developments in the transformation of energy supply systems in Germany, Finland and Poland in order to derive future qualification and skill requirements using a joint learning process.
ObjectivesOpen areaClose area
This project aims to anticipate future developments in the transformation of energy supply systems in Germany, Finland and Poland in order to derive future qualification and skill requirements using a joint learning process. FLASH is therefore based on the assumption that anticipating developments is a prerequisite for being able to evaluate the roles played in the transformation by which areas and which groups of both internal and external players within the system, to determine whether and how they are affected and what the qualifications and skills required are. More dynamic areas will presumably see a need for very new requirements.
This is the background against that which the project is starting by structuring and describing the national energy supply systems, characterised by vertical value creation steps, system components and the relevant groups of players.
Approach and tasksOpen areaClose area
A structured scenario analysis up to 2020 will identify software-based key factors for the energy transition in each country based upon the influencing factors identified in expert workshops and online surveys on the transformation of energy supply systems. The software tool “SzenarioManager” will be used. For each of the key factors identified, an international workshop will be held where mixed groups will work out future projects which will then be comparatively analysed. Following on from the scenario workshop, raw scenarios will be put together using a consistency analysis of the projections as well as scenario descriptions by project partners in Germany, Finland and Poland.
These scenarios will then be used in an implementation workshop to identify future qualifications and skills requirements, which in turn will be used as a basis for developing these qualifications and skills.
In this context, the training and further education options currently available in Germany will be analysed and assessed along with any gaps found in these options during meetings of experts and representatives from the fields of training and further education. This will primarily focus on the state of Brandenburg.
At the conclusion of the project, a range of possible measures with regards to qualifications and skills will be presented.
Project partners and cooperation partnersOpen areaClose area
Financing/support programmeOpen areaClose area
Supported by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family using funds from the European Social Fund and the state of Brandenburg.
Operational timeOpen areaClose area
04/2013 - 03/2015