ACUMEN is a European research project that aims to develop new methods for mutual evaluation by researchers and institutions, whilst also identifying approaches that can be used to improve the research system. This FP7 project sees cooperation between 9 European research institutions under the leadership of Prof. Paul Wouters from the University of Leiden (Netherlands).
ObjectivesOpen areaClose area
ACUMEN is a European research project that aims to develop new methods for mutual evaluation by researchers and institutions, whilst also identifying approaches that can be used to improve the research system.
Project partners and cooperation partnersOpen areaClose area
In this FP7 project 9 European research institutes cooperate under the leadership of Prof. Paul Wouters from Leiden University (Netherlands).
- Leiden University (the Netherlands)
- Bar Ilan University (Ramat Gan, Israel)
- Agencia estatal consejo superior de investigaciones cientificas (Madrid, Spain)
- University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom)
- Estonian Research Council (Tartu, Estonia)
- Humboldt-Universitat (Berlin, Germany)
- Technische Hochschule Wildau (Wildau, Germany)
- Danmarks Biblioteksskole (Kopenhagen, Denmark)
- eHumanities Group – KNAW (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Financing / support programmeOpen areaClose area
Seventh Framework Programme [FP7]
Operational timeOpen areaClose area
03/2011 - 02/2014
DocumentsOpen areaClose area
Publications, Conference Papers & Presentations on this project are available for Download on the ACUMEN website.