NewsOpen areaClose area
- Impulse Presentation at the 5th Technology and Application Dialogue, 7/12/2017, Frankfurt/Oder
Hearing in the Berlin House of Representatives on 13/11/2017
Since 2017
BAköV training center for the qualification of data protection officers according to the GDPR of the EU - Since 2017
Official DLGI Examination Centre for the Data Protection Driving License - Since January 2016
Official DLGI Examination Centre for the ECDL (European Computer Driver Licence). - Since September 2014
5-year research professorship with half teaching (9 hours/week) Focus “Holistically Building and Managing Smart Technologies of the 21st Century”. Professor Scholl is appointed to research field 2 (Information Technology/Telematics) and research field 6 (Management and Law) with “Public Administration Informatics and Digital Media”. - Research Semester SoS 2013
At the iSchool of the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. - 2011
Professor Dr. Margit Scholl is awarded a research prize by TH Wildau. - Since 2010
BAköV training center for the qualification of information security officers according to the standards and IT-Grundschutz of BSI - 2010
Foundation of the WILLE institute as TWZ e.V.
Wildau Institut für innovative Lehre, lebenslanges Lernen und gestaltende Evaluation
Teaching and research areasOpen areaClose area
- Certified Further Training Course for IT Security Officers in public administration/SMEs from the WILLE Institute of TWZ e.V.
- Certified Further Training Course for Data Protection Officers in accordance with the EU GDPR for public administration/SMEs from the WILLE Institute of TWZ e.V.
- Projektmanagement
including e-government and internationalisation. - Prozessmanagement
including acceptance and quality management as well as risk and change management. - (Mobile) Operational Applications
such as SAP ERP and document management systems including Web 2.0/3.0. - Multimedia
including learning technologies, learning formats and intercultural issues.
Dienstleistungen maßgeschneidert für Verwaltungen und BetriebeOpen areaClose area
Angestrebt: Entwicklung eines Zertifizierungslehrgangs zum Wirtschaftsgrundschutz in 2018
- Zertifizierter Fortbildungslehrgang zum IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragten I über TWZ e.V.
- Zertifizierter Fortbildungslehrgang zum Datenschutzbeauftragte nach EU-DSGVO über TWZ e.V.
- Weiterbildung für die DLGI-Prüfungen für den Datenschutzführerschein
- Weiterbildung für die DLGI-Prüfungen für den ECDL (European Computer Driver License)
- Seminare, Beratungen und Gutachten
zu eGovernment, eBusiness, eLearning sowie Blended Learning - Coachings
zu Arbeitsorganisation, Zeitmanagement, Teams und Selbstlerntechniken - Trainings
zu IT-Themen, Projektmanagement, UfAB (Bewertungstechnik bei Ausschreibungen), Qualitätsmanagement etc. - Leitung und Moderation
inkl. Projektmanagement
PublicationsOpen areaClose area
Podcasts to the project "ALARM Information Security", see for example: and
Scholl, M. (2024). Résumé of the Gamified Increase in Security Awareness in German Small and Medium-Sized Businesses after Three Years’ Practice of “ALARM Information Security” doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.13519.29600
Scholl , M. . (2024). Play the Analog Game in a Digital World! Long-Term Gamification for Raising Information Security Awareness. Contemporary Perspective on Science, Technology and Research Vol. 6, 19–43. Document
Scholl, M. (2024). Summary of the project documentation “Awareness Lab SME (ALARM) Information Security.” doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.20336.64002
Scholl, M. (2024). Building Competence with a Targeted Mix of Analog and Digital Methods. In D. Jacek Jakóbczak, Contemporary Perspective on Science, Technology and Research (pp. 35 & ndash;58). Kolkata: B P International. doi:10.9734/bpi/cpstr/v5/8542A. Dokument
Scholl, M. (2023). Chapter 5 Findings from the overall scenario and the three studies of the project “Awareness Lab SMEs (ALARM) Information Security” followed by a conceptual outlook. Wildau: Technische Hochschule Wildau. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.12630.22082
Ruiz Ben, E., & Scholl, M. (2023). Challenges Posed by the Digital Transformation Paths of the Online Access Act in Germany : Implementation and the Need to Raise Awareness. In J. Liebowitz, Pivoting Government through Digital Transformation (pp. 147–170). Boca Raton: CRC Press [Boca Raton]. doi:10.1201/9781003369783-10
Scholl, M. (2022). Foreword and Reflection on the Findings Contained in Report 1 of the Project Awareness Lab SME (ALARM) Information Security. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.13075.35363
Scholl, M., Gube, S., & Koppatz, P. (2021). Development of Game-Based Learning Scenarios for Social Engineering and Security Risk Management for SMEs in the Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 19(2), 51–59.
Scholl, M. (2021). Foreword with an Introduction to and Summary of the Study “Added Value for SMEs” (Translation). doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.21236.88961
Spotlight on Information Security Integration in the German Health Sector
Proceedings of the 25th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2021)
Paper, Presentation (PDF), Presentation (video) -
Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) and the Role of its 5 Pillars
Social Indicators Research, online first
Rainer Bruggemann, Peter Koppatz, Margit Scholl, Regina Schuktomow, 2021 -
(How) Can Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on whistleblowers be used to build up a security and safety culture in Institutions?
Information Security Education Journal 7(2)
Margit Scholl, 2020. -
Book project documentation in German: Informationssicherheitsbewusstsein für den Schulalltag (SecAware4school)
Frankfurt am Main: Buchwelten-Verlag
Margit Scholl (Hrsg.), 2020 -
Information security officer: Job profile, necessary qualifications, and awareness raising explained in a practical way Basis: ISO/IEC 2700x, BSI standards 200-x, and IT-Grundschutz compendium
Frankfurt am Main: Buchwelten-Verlag
Margit Scholl (Hrsg.), 2020 -
Book role model portraits in German:
„Jeder Tag sieht anders aus.“ Aus dem Leben von Informationssicherheits-Spezialistinnen.
Interviewpartnerinnen, Josephine Gerlach, Frauke Prott, Prof. Dr. Margit Scholl. Margit Scholl & Frauke Prott (Hrsg.), 2020. -
Book project documentation in German:
Gendersensible Studien- und Berufsorientierung für den Beruf Security Spezialistin (Security)
Prott, Frauke/ Scholl, Margit (Prof. Dr.)/ Edich, Denis/ Gerlach, Josephine. Margit Scholl (Hrsg.), 2020. -
Does a Career in Information Security Appeal to Women? An empirical analysis of job ads, supplemented by job descriptions and narratives. In Proceedings of the 23rd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (IIIS).
Frauke Prott (Fuhrmann) und Margit Scholl (Orlando, Florida, USA, Juli 2019) -
Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes in the IT Security Occupation Field (Abstract) + vollständige Präsentation (PDF)
Margit Scholl und Frauke Fuhrmann (GWO 2018) -
Information Security Awareness in Public Administrations (Open access peer-reviewed chapter)
In: Ubaldo Comite (Ed.), Public Management and Administration
Margit Scholl (August 2018) - Scientific Knowledge of the Human Side of Information Security as a Basis for Sustainable Trainings in Organizational Practices (Abstract) + Vollständige Präsentation (PDF)
Margit Scholl, Frauke Fuhrmann TH, Lars Robin Scholl (2018) - A matching problem, partial order and an analysis applying the Copeland index
Rainer Brüggemann, Peter Koopatz, Frauke Fuhrmann, Margit Scholl (2017) - Sicher unterwegs in der digitalen Welt – spielend begreifen
Frauke Fuhrmann, Peter Koopatz, Denis Edich, Margit Scholl (2017) - How Can the Empowerment of Employees with Intellectual Disabilities Be Supported?
Frauke Fuhrmann, Margit Scholl, Rainer Brüggemann (2017) - Social Media and Government Minitrack (Introduction)
Rony Medaglia, Euripidis N. Loukis, Margit Scholl (2017) - Exploring the Adoption of E-Government Tools with WISE Work Index (unabridged version)
Esther Ruiz Ben, Margit Scholl, Ernst-Peter Ehrlich (2017) - Living in a digital world: Improving skills to meet the challenges of digital transformation through authentic and game-based learning
Margit Scholl (2017) - IT-Security Awareness in the Field of Urban and Regional Planning
Margit Scholl (2017) - Das Projekt SecAware4job: Auf spielerischem Weg zu erhöhtem Informationssicherheitsbewusstsein für den Berufseinstieg
Margit Scholl, Frauke Fuhrmann, Denis Edich, Ernst-Peter Ehrlich, Kai Benjamin Leiner, Lars Robin Scholl, Peter Koppatz (2017) - Blind spot: Do you know the effectiveness of your information security awareness-raising program?
Margit Scholl, Kai Benjamin Leiner, Frauke Fuhrmann (2017) - Forschendes Lernen aus der Perspektive der Fachhochschulen
Margit Scholl (2017) - Exploring the adoption of E-Government Tools with WISE Work Index (shortened version)
Esther Ben Ruiz, Margit Scholl, Ernst-Peter Ehrlich (2016) - Raising Awareness for Information Security in a Playful Way
Frauke Fuhrmann, Margit Scholl, Denis Edich, Ernst-Peter Ehrlich, Kai Benjamin Leiner, Lars Robin Scholl (2016) - Introduction to the Social Media in Government Minitrack
Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazan, Margit Scholl, Andrea Kavanaugh (2016) - Forschendes Lernen aus der Perspektive der Fachhochschulen (ungekürzte Version)
Margit Scholl (Ed.) (2016) - What Lessons Can We Learn for “Good E-Government” From a User-Centred Evaluation of the Websites of European Capitals?
Margit Scholl (2016)
ProjectsOpen areaClose area
- Instruments on aktive and safe/secure consumer participation on Online Public Services
(2021-2023) - Awareness Lab SME (ALARM) Information Security (2020-2023) - Development of game-based learning scenarios for social engineering and security risk management in the manufacturing industry for the project "Mittelstand 4.0–Kompetenzzentrum Stuttgart" (2020-2021) - SecAware4school: Information Security Awareness for Daily Life at School (2018-2020) - Gendersensible Studien- und Berufsorientierung für den Beruf Security Spezialistin (Security) (2017-2019) - Skill Up: Matching graduates´skills and labour world demands through authentic learning scenarios (2016-2019), Final report (PDF) - SecAware4job: Informationssicherheitsbewusstsein für den Berufseinstieg (2015-2017), Abschlussbericht (PDF, Shaker-Verlag) - TechPedia: European Virtual Learning Platform for Electrical and Information Engineering (2014-2017)
- iBaMs: Barrierereduzierte Maschinen in innovativer Interaktion (2014) - IT- Sicherheit@KMU: Technische Investition einer mobilen Sensibilisierungsinitiative (2013-2014)
BMBF-Verbundprojekt „InterKomp KMU 2.0“: Internationales IT-gestütztes Projekt- und Wissensmanagement im multikulturellen Umfeld, Interkulturelle Kompetenzen für KMU (2010-2013), Abschlussbericht (PDF, Shaker-Verlag), Moodle-Kurs - TEDS- Systemintegration in die E- Learning- Plattform Moodle der TH Wildau (2012-2013)
- Labor - Infrastrukturveränderungen zur technischen Modernisierung als Basis von PPBBL (2012-2013)
- Virtu: Modernisierungspilot innovations- und technologieorientierter Infrastruktur zur Hochschuldidaktik für interaktive Lehre (2011-2012)
CollaborationsOpen areaClose area
Current Institutional Collaborations
- The Research Foundation of State University of New York, University at Albany, acting on behalf of Center for Technology in Government (CTG)
Smart Cities and Smart Governments Research-Practice Consortium
- dePaul University Chicago
- known_sense (alleiniger Vertriebspartner für alle spielebasierten Lernszenarien)
- DIZ Digitales Innovationszentrum GmbH
- FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
- DLGI - Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für Informatik mbH
- MI (Ministerium des Innern Brandenburg) / EL.DOK
- NEGZ - Das Nationale E-Government Kompetenzzentrum
- ZITBB - Brandenburgischer IT-Dienstleister
- sudile GbR
Current Project Collaborations:
- Thinking Objects GmbH
- Experimental Games GmbH
- sudile GbR
- known_sense
- IHK Berlin
- IHK Brandenburg
- IHK Frankfurt
- DLGI - Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für Informatik mbH
- ZITBB - Brandenburgischer IT-Dienstleister
Current Personal Collaborations
PresentationsOpen areaClose area
Keynote: Participative Dialogue with Schools - Raising Information Security Awareness through Gamification. In Programm of the 23rd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (IIIS).
Margit Scholl (Orlando, Florida, USA, Juli 2019) -
Conferences / Journals and Functions / TalksOpen areaClose area
Gamification to raise awareness at DePaul University, Chicago 2018
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Talk & Serious Games (Security Arena)
- HICCS: Co-Chair Minitrack, Review, Papers
- IJEPR: Chair, Discussants, Review, Papers
- IIIS / ICETI: Keynote, Paper
- LICE: Workshop-Paper
- IFIP EGOV and ePart: Workshop, Papers, Board-Member
- IFIP Working Group 8.5 : Member
- CENTERIS: Papers
- Glienicker Gespräche: Workshop & Papers
- FTVI&FTRI Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik
- JSCI (Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics): Paper, Review
- IJIIE (International Journal of Innovation in Education): Editorboard, Paper, Review
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau
Tel. 03375 / 508 -917 or -570
Fax: -566
Mail: margit.scholl(at)
Building 100, Room 106 / Labor 122
Office Consultation Hours
please see notice in the Faculty of Business, Computing and Law or make an appointment via email