Prof. Dr. Margit Scholl
Haus 100
Personal web page

Prof. Dr. Margit Scholl

Faculty of Business, Computing and Law

NewsOpen areaClose area

  • Impulse Presentation at the 5th Technology and Application Dialogue, 7/12/2017, Frankfurt/Oder
  • Hearing in the Berlin House of Representatives on 13/11/2017

  • Since 2017
    BAköV training center for the qualification of data protection officers according to the GDPR of the EU

  • Since 2017
    Official DLGI Examination Centre for the Data Protection Driving License
  • Since January 2016
    Official DLGI Examination Centre for the ECDL (European Computer Driver Licence).
  • Since September 2014
    5-year research professorship with half teaching (9 hours/week) Focus “Holistically Building and Managing Smart Technologies of the 21st Century”. Professor Scholl is appointed to research field 2 (Information Technology/Telematics) and research field 6 (Management and Law) with “Public Administration Informatics and Digital Media”.
  • Research Semester SoS 2013
    At the iSchool of the University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
  • 2011
    Professor Dr. Margit Scholl is awarded a research prize by TH Wildau.
  • Since 2010
    BAköV training center for the qualification of information security officers according to the standards and IT-Grundschutz of BSI
  • 2010
    Foundation of the WILLE institute as TWZ e.V.
    Wildau Institut für innovative Lehre, lebenslanges Lernen und gestaltende Evaluation

Teaching and research areasOpen areaClose area

  • Certified Further Training Course for IT Security Officers in public administration/SMEs from the WILLE Institute of TWZ e.V.
  • Certified Further Training Course for Data Protection Officers in accordance with the EU GDPR for public administration/SMEs from the WILLE Institute of TWZ e.V.
  • Projektmanagement
    including e-government and internationalisation.
  • Prozessmanagement
    including acceptance and quality management as well as risk and change management.
  • (Mobile) Operational Applications
    such as SAP ERP and document management systems including Web 2.0/3.0.
  • Multimedia
    including learning technologies, learning formats and intercultural issues.

Dienstleistungen maßgeschneidert für Verwaltungen und BetriebeOpen areaClose area

  • Angestrebt: Entwicklung eines Zertifizierungslehrgangs zum Wirtschaftsgrundschutz in 2018

  • Zertifizierter Fortbildungslehrgang zum IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragten I über TWZ e.V.
  • Zertifizierter Fortbildungslehrgang zum Datenschutzbeauftragte nach EU-DSGVO über TWZ e.V.
  • Weiterbildung für die DLGI-Prüfungen für den Datenschutzführerschein
  • Weiterbildung für die DLGI-Prüfungen für den ECDL (European Computer Driver License) 
  • Seminare, Beratungen und Gutachten
    zu eGovernment, eBusiness, eLearning sowie Blended Learning
  • Coachings
    zu Arbeitsorganisation, Zeitmanagement, Teams und Selbstlerntechniken
  • Trainings
    zu IT-Themen, Projektmanagement, UfAB (Bewertungstechnik bei Ausschreibungen), Qualitätsmanagement etc.
  • Leitung und Moderation
    inkl. Projektmanagement

PublicationsOpen areaClose area

Alle Publikationen

ProjectsOpen areaClose area

  • Instruments on aktive and safe/secure consumer participation on Online Public Services 
  • Awareness Lab SME (ALARM) Information Security (2020-2023)
  • Development of game-based learning scenarios for social engineering and security risk management in the manufacturing industry for the project "Mittelstand 4.0–Kompetenzzentrum Stuttgart" (2020-2021)
  • SecAware4school: Information Security Awareness for Daily Life at School (2018-2020)
  • Gendersensible Studien- und Berufsorientierung für den Beruf Security Spezialistin (Security) (2017-2019)
  • Skill Up: Matching graduates´skills and labour world demands through authentic learning scenarios (2016-2019), Final report (PDF)
  • SecAware4job: Informationssicherheitsbewusstsein für den Berufseinstieg (2015-2017), Abschlussbericht (PDF, Shaker-Verlag)
  • TechPedia: European Virtual Learning Platform for Electrical and Information Engineering (2014-2017)
  • iBaMs: Barrierereduzierte Maschinen in innovativer Interaktion (2014)
  • IT- Sicherheit@KMU: Technische Investition einer mobilen Sensibilisierungsinitiative (2013-2014)
  • BMBF-Verbundprojekt „InterKomp KMU 2.0“: Internationales IT-gestütztes Projekt- und Wissensmanagement im multikulturellen Umfeld, Interkulturelle Kompetenzen für KMU (2010-2013), Abschlussbericht (PDF, Shaker-Verlag), Moodle-Kurs

  • TEDS- Systemintegration in die E- Learning- Plattform Moodle der TH Wildau (2012-2013)

  • Labor - Infrastrukturveränderungen zur technischen Modernisierung als Basis von PPBBL (2012-2013)
  • Virtu: Modernisierungspilot innovations- und technologieorientierter Infrastruktur zur Hochschuldidaktik für interaktive Lehre (2011-2012)

CollaborationsOpen areaClose area

PresentationsOpen areaClose area

Conferences / Journals and Functions / TalksOpen areaClose area


Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau

Tel. 03375 / 508 -917 or -570
Fax: -566
Mail: margit.scholl(at)
Building 100, Room 106 / Labor 122

Office Consultation Hours
please see notice in the Faculty of Business, Computing and Law or make an appointment via email