Second term of office of TH Wildau President Prof Ulrike Tippe begins - confirmation and a new face on the Executive Committee

TH-Wildau - News

01. December 2023 | University policy

Second term of office of TH Wildau President Prof Ulrike Tippe begins - confirmation and a new face on the Executive Committee

Bilder der TH-Wildau-Präsidiumsmitglieder auf Foto von Haus 13
Bilder der TH-Wildau-Präsidiumsmitglieder auf Foto von Haus 13

(German version)

On 1 December, Prof Ulrike Tippe will begin her second term as President of Wildau University of Applied Sciences. There will also be a change in the university's Executive Commitee. Prof Rainer Stollhof will be the new Vice-president for Studies and Teaching.

On 1 December, Professor Ulrike Tippe will begin her second term as President of the Technische Hochschule Wildau - University of Applied Sciences  (TH Wildau). She was re-elected by the Senate of the TH Wildau in June of this year. The term of office will again last six years.

Prof Ulrike Tippe: "I am excited about what is to come and look forward to the next six years and working with our Executive Committee members and all members of the university. At the same time, I would like to thank you for the great cooperation and the trust you have placed in us over the past few years. We have achieved a many things together in the past term of office. Times have been and still are turbulent and changed our university landscape. We will certainly continue to face a number of challenges in the future. In the next few years, I am particularly looking forward to implementing our Strategy 2030 process, which aims to prepare our university for the future in a constantly changing higher education landscape."

A new term of office also begins for the Executive Committee. The Senate confirmed Prof. Klaus-Martin Melzer, Vice-president for Research and Transfer, and Prof. Stefan Kubica, Vice-president for Digital Affairs and Quality Management. There is also a change in the department of study and teaching. Prof Jörg Reiff-Stephan is relinquishing his Vice-presidency at his own request. The new Vice-president is Prof Rainer Stollhof. He has been at TH Wildau since 2016. Currently he is Professor of Business Mathematics and Statistics. He has already gained experience in university politics in Senate of the TH Wildau, of which he was deputy chairman. From 2017 to 2020, he was also course spokesperson for the Master's degree programme in European Management and from 2017 to 2022 a member of the Faculty Council for Business, Informatics and Law. Chancellor Thomas Lehne completes the Executive Board as Head of Administration.

Prof Ulrike Tippe's second term of office as Vice President of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) also begins on 1 December. On 14 November 2023, the members of the German Rectors’ Conference confirmed her in office for a further two years as HRK Vice President Digitalisation and Academic Education.


More information about the Executive Committee

Contact external communication TH Wildau

Mike Lange / Mareike Rammelt
TH Wildau, Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau
Tel. +49 (0)3375 508 211 / -669,

Caption: On 1 December, Prof Ulrike Tippe will begin her second term as President of Wildau University of Applied Sciences. There will also be a change in the university's Executive Commitee. Prof Rainer Stollhof will be the new Vice-president for Studies and Teaching.