Doing a doctorate at TH Wildau? Doctoral positions are advertised at the Career Centre for Professorial Development!

TH-Wildau - News

01. December 2023 | Doctoral positions

Doing a doctorate at TH Wildau? Doctoral positions are advertised at the Career Centre for Professorial Development!

Rückenansicht von Person in schwarzem Talar, die in der rechten Hand einen Doktorhut hochhält.
Promotionsstellen TH Wildau

(German version)

Attention all prospective doctoral candidates: The Career Centre for Professorial Development at TH Wildau is currently advertising doctoral positions and is looking forward to receiving your application!

If you are passionate about research and want to gain a professional foothold in science, a university degree is not enough to fully qualify you for an academic career: A doctorate is an opportunity to prove that you are capable of scientific work and to work independently on an unresolved research question.

While the university doctorate is well known, some people may be surprised to learn that doctorates can also be obtained at Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS). The possibility of obtaining a doctorate at a UAS is still relatively new: it is only since the Bologna reform that UAS degrees have been treated on an equal footing with university degrees and there is still no nationwide UAS doctoral degree law. However, in some federal states, including Brandenburg, there is the possibility of a cooperative doctorate.

Career Centre for Professorial Development advises those interested in a doctorate

Such a cooperative doctorate is also possible at the TH Wildau in co-operation with a university: the first supervisor of the doctorate is located at a university, while the second supervisor is located at the TH Wildau. In addition, there is often a partner company in which practical research is carried out. Compared to university doctorates, UAS-doctorates offer the opportunity to work in a very application-orientated and practical way. Thanks to the three different contact persons, doctoral students at a UAS benefit from a broad support network.

Another advantage of a doctorate at a University of Applied Sciences is that it is an essential qualification for a professorship at this type of university. A habilitation, which is also required at regular universities, is not necessary here. Instead, applicants to a UAS must be able to demonstrate practical professional experience in a relevant field in addition to their doctorate. For people from practice who want to use their experience in science and teaching, the doctorate is therefore the last essential qualification step towards a UAS-professorship.

Current vacancies at the TH Wildau

The Career Centre for Professorial Development at the TH Wildau currently offers opportunities for doctoral candidates, with a number of doctoral positions being advertised. Those interested in a doctorate are cordially invited to apply for the advertised positions.

If you have any doubts as to whether you meet the necessary requirements, the staff at the career centre will be happy to advise you!

Further Information

Contact at TH Wildau

Lisa Hettler
Project coordination, Career Centre for Professorial Development
Tel.: +49 3375 508 413

Contact External communication TH Wildau

Mike Lange / Mareike Rammelt
TH Wildau
Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau
Tel. +49 (0)3375 508 211 / -669

Caption:Attention all prospective doctoral candidates: The Career Centre for Professorial Development at TH Wildau is currently advertising doctoral positions and is looking forward to receiving your application!