Christmas Greeting 2022
Beschäftigte der TH Wildau mit Weihnachtsmützen im Audimax

Merry Christmas!

TH Wildau wishes you a happy holiday season and a good start into the year 2023.

German version
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  4. Christmas Greeting 2022

That was 2022 - Merry Christmas from TH Wildau!

Dear students, dear colleagues, dear alumni, dear partners,

We wish you and your families merry and peaceful holidays, some rest and relaxation between Christmas and New Year and of course a successful start to the year 2023. We thank you for your trust and cooperation and are looking forward to continuing working with you in the future.

Let us look back on the year 2022 at Technische Hochschule Wildau. Impressions of the past months will take you on a short journey back in time.

Sincerely on behalf of the entire university


Ulrike Tippe

President of the TH Wildau

End-of-year review - Highlights

2022 is coming to a close. It was a year full of gatherings. In the context of our 30th anniversary celebrations, various events took place, and it was a joy to come together on campus after two years of the pandemic. For example, we look back with joy and pride on our traditional University Open Day, the first TH Wildau Alumni Homecoming Day, and our exhibition "Knowledge in Transition - 30 Years of TH Wildau". Click on the boxes to learn more about the highlights and look back with us at this eventful year.


Impressions 2022

Review - the history of TH Wildau

The university looks back on a 30-year history. In the following, we present the most important milestones on the way to becoming a modern campus university right by the German capital.