Alumni Homecoming Day
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Alumni Homecoming Day

In 2022, TH Wildau organised its first Homecoming Day for alumni of the university with an entertainment programme. The 2nd Alumni Homecoming Day will take place on 28 June 2025.

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Alumni Homecoming Day at TH Wildau

Back to the roots of your future ...

June 2022, the time had come:
Together with graduates and lecturers, we celebrated our first university-wide Alumni Homecoming Day in sunshine and beautiful weather. It was a great afternoon and evening with an entertaining programme and lively conversations. We would like to repeat the event at regular intervals and make it a tradition over the years. 

The basis is set ... and the 2nd Alumni Homecoming Day of TH Wildau will follow on 28 June 2025.


    M.A. Juliane Bönisch

M.A. Juliane Bönisch M.A. Juliane Bönisch

Tel.: +49 3375 508 444
House 13, Room 216

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