Stempel und Akten


German Version

Recognition and grade conversion (Wildau table)

Recognition of academic achievements abroadOpen areaClose area

Courses completed abroad are recognized on the basis of a Learning Agreement (LA) agreed in advance with the responsible course coordinator, which is compared with the transcript of records (TR) of the host university. The conversion of grades and awarding of the corresponding ECTS credits (CP) is usually based on the grading list of the respective partner university.

For mobilities outside Europe, where no empirical values are yet available, the workload is requested from the relevant host university and this is then converted to the ECTS credit system used at TH Wildau (1 CP corresponds to a workload of 30 hours).
If a conversion is still not possible, further information will be obtained from the host university (curricula, module descriptions, further course outlines).

On the basis of this information, the course spokesperson or examination board then decides on the specific allocation of CP per course unit.

Deviations with regard to the CP achieved are less relevant for recognition and cannot be used as a decisive criterion for rejection.

Instead, priority is given to the qualitative learning outcomes achieved, i.e. the competencies and skills acquired (“learning outcomes”).

These premises are laid down in the so-called Lisbon Convention as an essential legal basis for the recognition of academic achievements abroad. Further information on this topic can be found here.

With regard to recognition practice, the German Rectors' Conference recommends that non-recognition should only be considered if there are significant differences (e.g. in terms of learning outcomes or focus areas in the study programs).

If, in individual cases, academic achievements achieved abroad are not recognized, the Lisbon Convention stipulates a reversal of the burden of proof and an obligation to provide reasons. This means that the burden of proof that studies abroad do not meet the university's internal requirements lies with the examining university and that it must justify any rejection.

Students at TH Wildau who would like to spend part of their studies at a foreign university should contact the responsible course coordinator in good time to discuss their study plans. This should also clarify important questions in connection with the subsequent recognition of academic achievements abroad and, if necessary, make specific subject-related arrangements.

Students at TH Wildau who would like to spend part of their studies at a foreign university should contact the responsible course coordinator in good time to discuss their study plans. This should also clarify important questions in connection with the subsequent recognition of academic achievements abroad and, if necessary, make specific subject-related arrangements.

Before the start of the study abroad program, a so-called Learning Agreement (LA) must be drawn up or submitted to the program coordinator. This form lists all the courses you wish to attend at the partner or host university. This document, which must be signed by you, the home university and the foreign university, is an important basis for the subsequent recognition of your study visit abroad. In the sense of the so-called Lisbon Convention, it forms a kind of credit guarantee in the event that you successfully complete the specified subjects at the host university.

As a student, you are obliged to find out which subjects you can take at the host university and which credits you can obtain there - except for courses that have already been agreed with the respective partner university (e.g. in China) by the department or degree program. For this purpose, the course coordinator may request specific documents (e.g. module descriptions or other course “outlines” such as examination type, conversion tables regarding credits, number of hours, etc.).

If there are any changes to an LA, these must be communicated to or agreed with the program coordinator as soon as possible (for Erasmus students within 4 weeks of the start of the semester abroad at the latest).

An important basis for subsequent recognition with regard to subject selection is the aspect of equivalence (not: similarity!) or - even more broadly in the sense of student-friendly recognition - the concept of substantial difference. This focuses primarily on the learning outcomes and skills acquired when assessing academic achievements gained abroad.

After returning from abroad, please submit your LA together with the Transcript of Records (TR), i.e. the transcript of grades or certificate from the host university, to your course coordinator. He or she will compare the LA and TR.

After the documents have been checked, grades are converted and the study abroad project is recognized by the head of the degree program according to the procedure described below.

Grade conversion - Wildau Table & Recognition GuidelinesOpen areaClose area

Do you have questions about grade conversion? Click here for the Wildau table!


The following guidelines apply to the recognition of academic achievements abroad at the faculty:

    Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Outgoing mobility within the International Office Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Tel.: +49 3375 508 197
House 13, Room 034

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