Outgoing exchange programmes
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Outgoing exchange programmes

If you are a student enrolled at TH Wildau, you can apply for a placement within the Erasmus+ or Promos programme.

German Version

Erasmus+ mobility programme for individuals

Erasmus+ programme generation 2021-2027

On September 1, 2021, the new Erasmus+ programme generation began, which will run from 2021 to 2027. The TH Wildau continues to participate in the programme, for the implementation of the goals and quality criteria of the programme it was again awarded the “ERASMUS Charter for Higher Education” (ECHE) for this programme generation. The ECHE and the European Policy Statement are an essential part of the internationalization strategy of the TH Wildau.

As before, the new Erasmus+ programme generation supports student mobility for study purposes as well as staff mobility for teaching and further education purposes. In addition, the programme offers new formats and opportunities for international mobility.

Funding for Erasmus+ internships is provided by the Leonardo office at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, of which TH Wildau is a consortium partner. Students at TH Wildau should apply directly to the LEONARDO office in Brandenburg for Erasmus+ funding. You can find detailed information on this at www.b-tu.de/en/leonardo!

The implementation of mobility in blended format, i.e. the combination of a shorter physical mobility with a virtual component, is also possible in various formats in the new programme. Particularly important here are the Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP), in which at least three European universities can jointly design a short-term programme, such as a summer school.

The overarching themes and core objectives of the current programme generation are above all the digitalization of the Erasmus programme in all its areas and the strengthening of social participation, sustainability and social commitment.

Detailed and up-to-date information on the EU's Erasmus+ mobility programme can also be found on the website of the German National Agency of the DAAD.

Erasmus+ Study in Europe

Benefits of the Erasmus+ programme for youOpen areaClose area

  •  Study visits to one of our partner universities

  • Mobility grant to cover the additional costs incurred abroad. The amount of funding depends on the respective programme-specific country rates, which may vary depending on the funding year

  • Exemption from tuition, registration, examination, laboratory and library fees at the host university

  • Support in preparing for the stay abroad

  • Academic recognition of academic achievements abroad
     (see recognition guidelines and “Wildau Table”)

  • Funding periods for so-called long-term mobilities: 2-12 months per study period (Bachelor, Master, PhD)

We would be delighted if we could arouse your interest in a study visit via Erasmus+. Dr. Angelika Schubert will be happy to advise you on your individual project abroad, on our Erasmus partner universities and available places as well as on the application modalities for an Erasmus place.

Requirements for participationOpen areaClose area

In order to study abroad in Europe as part of the Erasmus+ programme, you must meet certain requirements:

  • Enrollment at the TH Wildau for full-time studies
  • at least two successfully completed semesters at the time you start your studies abroad
  • an existing bilateral Erasmus agreement between TH Wildau and the relevant partner university.
  • Motivation and commitment; we also value extracurricular and social commitment
  •  very good academic performance
  • sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction in the host country (you need a level of at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Please note that there is no entitlement to an exchange place - allocation is based on the selection criteria listed below. If the demand for exchange places is greater than the contractually agreed exchange quota at the respective partner university, places will be allocated according to a performance ranking (grades, language, motivation, intercultural competence, semester of study if applicable). It is also advisable to indicate a second or third preference in the application in order to increase the chances of obtaining an Erasmus place.

Once your application has been successful and you have been accepted, you will be nominated by the International Office (Dr. Schubert) at the host university in due time.

All important rights and obligations that are relevant for you when participating in the Erasmus+ programme can be found in the Erasmus+ Student Charter, which you will also receive with your funding documents.


Application documents and deadlinesOpen areaClose area

Please submit your application for an Erasmus place abroad to the International Office. The TH Wildau has not set any fixed application deadlines, as we would like to offer flexible options for students who decide at short notice.

However, we strongly recommend that students who are interested in an Erasmus program submit their application in good time - if possible by the end of March for the coming winter semester and by the end of August for the summer semester of the coming year.

Your application for an Erasmus place should generally include the following documents:

  • Letter of motivation (please state in particular academic, but also personal reasons for studying at the selected host university)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form (e.g. Europass template)
  • current transcript of records (for Master's students also BA certificate and transcript)
  • Language certificate(s) (usually English at B2 level, if necessary additionally Spanish and/or French (e.g. DAAD language certificate, letter from language lecturers at TH Wildau or equivalent language certificates (e.g. LCCI, TOEFL, Abitur certificate, ...))
  • Professional letter of recommendation from a lecturer
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • Proof of extracurricular commitment (e.g. buddy certificate, membership of StuRa or StuPa, etc.) or possibly intercultural qualification certificates
  • Possibly other documents (work references, internship certificates, language course certificates, etc.)

Selection criteria for the allocation of Erasmus placesOpen areaClose area

The most important basis for a decision on the allocation of an Erasmus place is the respective application documents - after detailed consultation of the students in the International Office.

The selection of Erasmus students is based in particular on the following criteria:

  • Academic achievements (previous academic achievements at the TH Wildau and, if applicable, previous academic achievements at other universities and academic qualifications acquired - grade point average if possible not lower than 2.5 and, if possible, no open examinations from previous semesters)
  •  Motivation and references (subject-related and personal reasons for studying abroad with Erasmus)
  • Study plan (planning and feasibility of the study project at the partner university (e.g. any agreements already made with the responsible head of degree programme regarding recognition, etc.))
  • Language skills and intercultural competencies (e.g. national language, if this is not the same as the working language in the host country)
  • Social commitment (e.g. activity as a buddy student for foreign students, participation in the StuRa or StuPa of the TH Wildau, other social commitment within or outside the university)

In addition, students from so-called “disadvantaged groups” (see below) or students with special needs (e.g. single mothers) are given preferential consideration for the allocation of places.

In addition, other subject-specific selection criteria may play a role, which are determined by the responsible degree programme coordinator.

Erasmus students are selected on the basis of the above criteria by the Vice President for Digitalization & Quality Management and the Erasmus+ Coordinator of TH Wildau, if necessary in consultation with the respective course coordinator.

In doing so, the TH Wildau endeavors to provide every suitable applicant with an Erasmus place or to take at least the second or third request into account when awarding a place.

The approval of an Erasmus+ scholarship is linked to the obligatory participation in a free online language test in the language of instruction of the partner university.

Erasmus fundingOpen areaClose area

Financial support for Erasmus study visits is provided in the form of lump sums, which are defined according to country groups. These country groups are defined by the EU Commission and the classification is based on the average cost of living in the respective countries.

Erasmus funding can be applied for study visits to other European countries in the following programme countries:

  • Country group 1: EUR 600 per month

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

  • Country group 2: EUR 540 per month

Belgium, (Germany), France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus

  • Country group 3: EUR 490 per month

Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

When you apply for an Erasmus+ study place, you also apply for Erasmus+ mobility funding! You therefore do not need to submit a separate application for funding.

Please note that Erasmus+ funding is only a subsidy for your stay abroad, which is intended to offset the additional costs incurred abroad. The grant is not usually sufficient to cover the entire costs. We therefore recommend that you also apply for BAföG abroad.


Funding period

You will receive a mobility grant for your study stay at a partner higher education institution abroad, which is calculated on the basis of monthly installments.

Depending on the funds available, a certain funding period is set, which does not have to correspond to the actual duration of your stay.

For study projects from winter semester 2022/23 onwards, the following funding periods apply due to the increased funding rates and possible additional funding (see below):

  • Duration of stay abroad 2 to 3 months: funding period 2 months
  • Duration of stay abroad 3 to 4 months: funding period 3 months
  • Duration of stay abroad 4 to 5 months: Funding period 4 months
  • Duration of stay abroad 5 to 6 months: funding period 5 months

Relevant for the calculation of your period of stay is the study-related stay, i.e. courses, possibly also language courses, orientation programmes, etc., which are verified by your host university or are considered mandatory. Days that are not study-related, such as an earlier arrival to look for accommodation, are not included in the eligible period.

The details of your mobility funding and the associated rights and obligations are set out in the Grant Agreement, which you will receive before you start your studies abroad.


Additional funding (“Top-Ups”) in the Erasmus+ programme

With the aim of promoting equal opportunities in international mobility, the Erasmus+ program offers the opportunity to apply for additional funding if you meet the requirements. The NA DAAD has defined target groups for which additional support options are available.

  • Students with a disability or chronic illness
  • Staying abroad with child/children
  • First-time graduates
  • Employed students

These top-ups each amount to EUR 250 per month. However, additional funding can only be granted for one of the above criteria, even if several apply.

Detailed information on funding opportunities for students with fewer opportunities can be found in this NA DAAD brochure.


Funding opportunities for sustainable mobility (“Green Travel”)

If you travel by the means of sustainable transportation, such as train or bus, or as a carpool, you can apply for special funding for Green Travel. This is a one-off grant of EUR 50, and up to a maximum of 4 additional travel days can be funded (depending on the distance or travel time).

To receive the additional funding for disadvantaged students and/or sustainable mobility, a corresponding application must be submitted.


Important further information

After completing your study abroad, the following formalities are important for receiving the 2nd scholarship installment:

  • Upload the automated student report (Participant's Survey)
  • Submission of the Letter of Confirmation (confirmation of the period of stay at the partner HS)
  • Submission of the Transcript of Records (transcript of grades from the partner university)
  • Submission of a personal experience report (and, if applicable, a short video or testimonial) about your semester abroad (approx. 2 to 3 pages)

    Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Outgoing mobility within the International Office Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert Dr. phil. Angelika Schubert

Tel.: +49 3375 508 197
Email: angelika.schubert@th-wildau.de
House 13, Room 034

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