Student projects
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Student projects

To the research group

In the project module "Data Analytics with Python," two students participated in the research project PhaceSpace. The focus was on using generative AI (StyleGAN) to create facial images. As part of the project, the students successfully implemented a first prototype for generating composite sketches.

In the project module "Web Analytics & eHRM," more than ten students worked in various teams to analyze the websites of TH Wildau. Topics included clustering website visitors, conducting comparative analyses of German- and English-language websites, and identifying promising referral sources.

In the project module "HRM," groups of two students each participated in the research project "Antecedents & Consequences and Their Mediating/Moderating Effects of Quiet Quitting in Generation Y and Z." They investigated drivers and effects of Quiet Quitting, compiled scales and items for individual constructs, and supported data collection. They also conducted initial analyses focusing on specific aspects of the model.


Christin Buley, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Technische Hochschule Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau

Tel.: +49 3375 508 842
E-mail: ima(at)