Business Computing (B.Sc.) - practice-integrated dual
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Business Computing (B.Sc.) - practice-integrated dual

This programme provides students with a scientifically sound and equally practice-oriented education, geared towards the acquisition of solid business and information technology knowledge.

German website
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  4. Business Computing - dual

Key facts


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Modes of study

practice-integrated dual: studies + practice phases at the practice partner, full-time (direct studies (without practice partner) part-time/full-time)

Standard study period

6 semesters (210 CP)

Language of instruction



Business, Computing, Law

Programme start

Winter semester, for the first time 2023/24

Application deadlines

Application - All information on application deadlines, admission criteria and the application process at the Technical University of Applied Science Wildau can be found here. (

Practice partner

As the program is in progress, please contact us directly for options: wi-dual.wir(at)

Admission requirements

General requirements are the educational contract with a practice partner and the university entrance qualification in the form of a (technical) baccalaureate or a completed vocational training suitable for the study program with at least two years of professional experience acquired afterwards.


No tuition fees (the University only charges semester fees each semester)

Programme objectives

The Bachelor's degree programme in Business Computing (B. Sc.) combines content from the area of business administration, information technology and specific core areas of business computing. Graduates combine specialized knowledge and competences from all three areas and thus assume an important interface function. The career prospects range from software development and IT operations to project, product or team management.


During your studies, you have the opportunity to already pursue individual study and career paths by specializing in different fields of business information technology and related areas.


The dual practice-integrated bachelor's programme builds on the existing direct study programme in business computing and uses two learning locations: the university and the practice partner. In six practical transfer modules, students can experience the professional contexts of business computing at the practice partner. The theoretical knowledge and skills acquired at the university are applied in the business of the practice partner. In doing so, processes and problems of business practice are to be recognized, analyzed and scientifically founded, economically meaningful solutions are to be worked out.


Advantages of dual studiesOpen areaClose area

In the dual study program, students have an educational contract with a practice partner of the university in addition to their role as student at TH Wildau. The practice partners are organizations (mostly companies) from the region of Berlin and Brandenburg.


The practice partners offer students concrete career prospects as well as a salary already during their study programme. Practice partners thus invest in the education of their dual students and have a great interest in their professional development. Some of the companies also have international locations, so that a stay abroad is possible.

Course contentsOpen areaClose area

In the first three semesters, fundamental knowledge is imparted. This core knowledge is divided into general contents, information technology contents, business administration and business computing contents. In the 4th and 5th semesters, two specialisations are chosen, at least one of which is from business computing. In the 6th semester, the specialisations are further deepened at the practice partner and the bachelor thesis follows. The entire 6th semester takes place at the learning location of the practice partner.
In the diagram below, the modules of the study programme are separated by semesters.



Course of studyOpen areaClose area

The study programme is closely interlinked with practical phases. During the regular lecture period, the courses usually take place on four days at the TH Wildau. An additional day is available for the dual students to work at the practice partner. Arrangements regarding working hours and location are made individually between students and practice partners. The examination period is reserved for examinations; in the re-examination period, students are released from work for examinations that they may have to make up. During the lecture-free period, students take their leave and complete work for the practice transfer modules or write their final thesis.

Course of study


Admission requirements and applicationOpen areaClose area

General admission requirements

General requirements are the educational contract with a practice partner and a university admission qualification in the form of a (technical) High school diploma or a vocational qualification.

Admission qualifications


Application for a dual study programme

For a dual study programme, you always first apply to the practice partner for a place as a dual student with the aim of signing an educational contract based on a cooperation agreement for this study programme with a practice partner of Wildau University of Applied Sciences.

In the second step you apply at the TH Wildau for the bachelor programme "Business Computing" - practice-integrated dual. Please note the application deadlines.

Degree programmes - All information on application deadlines, admission criteria and the application process at the Technical University of Applied Science Wildau can be found here. (


Further informationOpen areaClose area

Practice partners are organizations that - on the basis of a cooperation agreement with TH Wildau - send employees to the dual practice-integrated study programme in Business Computing.


Do you want to become a partner yourself? Please contact us at wi-dual.wir(at) You can also find initial information on the general requirements for cooperation partners on the following website in German:  Anforderungen Checkliste_duales_Studium_UN-von-Agentur-Brd (


This degree programme will start in the winter semester 2023/24. The practice partners will be published here successively as soon as all official steps have been taken.


Wissenswertes zum Studium an der TH Wildau


Degree programme director

Prof. Dr. rer. nat Alexander Lübbe
Phone:+49 3375 508 259
Email: wi-dual.wir(at)

Programme coordinator

Claudia Wruck
Phone:+49 3375 508 881
Email: wi-dual.wir(at)
Office hours: Please book via Calendly - Claudia Wruck

Student advisory service

The study orientation and counseling helps with basic questions about the choice of study.

Student Orientation and Advice

Application, admission and examinations

From application to graduation – the Admission and Examinations department is the first point of contact for all questions related to the administration of studying at the university.

Admission and Examinations