Information on the implementation of DD/JD study programs
Map Germany, Study abroad TH Wildau, Berlin

Information on the implementation of DD/JD study programs

German Version

Definitions and characteristicsOpen areaClose area

A double degree programme comprises two degree programmes, only parts of which are completed at different universities, but which lead to two or more degrees.

A joint degree programme is a joint degree programme that is offered by a German university together with one or more foreign universities and leads to a joint degree.

According to the HRK, joint degree programmes are characterised by the following features:

    Study programmes are jointly developed and/or recognised by the participating universities.
    Students from one university complete parts of the programme at another university, whereby the duration of study is comparable.
    Study periods and examinations completed are automatically and fully recognised by both universities.
    Lecturers from both universities work together on the curriculum, teach at both institutions and form joint committees for admissions and examinations.
    Joint quality assurance.
    Common requirements for application, admission and enrolment.

Success factorsOpen areaClose area

  • Long-standing co-operation
  • Equal interest from incoming and outgoing students
  • Long-term contact persons
  • Funding/capacities must be ensured
  • Quality standards as well as regular evaluations and contractual agreements with the partner university must be guaranteed.
  • Further recommendations: 10 golden rules for the development of DD and JG programmes (HRK)

Our DD & JD ProgrammesOpen areaClose area

Step-by-step guide to introducing a double or joint degree programmeOpen areaClose area

  • Inform yourself: Get basic information, use checklists and follow the recommendations of the DAAD (link to 01 and 02 files)
  • Contact the International Office and the DD/JD representative: we will be happy to advise you and draw up a timetable together. (Link IO contacts)
  • Create a project outline: In collaboration with the foreign partner, develop a project outline that lays out the foundations for your double or joint degree project. Make sure that all relevant aspects are agreed. (Link Project outline 03)
  • Internal presentation: Present your initiative internally at the university. Use the process description provided and ensure that you receive internal approval. (Link process description 04)
  • Draw up a cooperation agreement: Once you have received internal approval, you can draw up the cooperation agreement together with your cooperation partner. Please note that the contracts must be agreed with the legal department and the accreditation officer before they are signed.