Double Degrees & Joint Degrees
Halle 14

Double Degrees & Joint Degrees

Currently, TH Wildau actively cooperates with a total of around 70 international universities and awards joint and double degrees together with partners from 8 different countries.

German Version

Double Degrees & Joint Degrees

Double degrees and joint degrees are special types of academic programs often offered in collaboration between different higher education institutions or even countries.

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Double Degrees

A double degree is an academic program in which students simultaneously earn two degrees from two different higher education institutions or faculties. These programs typically involve cooperation between the participating institutions and may have the following features:

  • Parallel Study: Students complete courses at both institutions and meet the requirements of both programs.
  • Credit Recognition: Credits earned at one institution are usually recognized by the other, so students do not have to take twice as many courses.
  • Degree Award: At the end of the program, students receive two separate degrees, one from each institution.

Joint Degrees

A joint degree is an academic program jointly offered by two or more higher education institutions, leading to a single, jointly awarded degree. These programs are characterized by:

  • Integrated Curriculum: The participating institutions develop a common curriculum recognized by all partners.
  • Mutual Recognition: Courses and exams are recognized by all partner institutions.
  • Single Degree: Students receive a single degree jointly awarded by all participating institutions, often featuring the logos and signatures of all partner institutions.

    Milena Lotter

Milena Lotter Milena Lotter

    Vitaliya Tomm

(Ab Februar 2023 in Elternzeit) Vitaliya Tomm Vitaliya Tomm