Contact & Service
Studierende spielen Volleyball auf dem Campus der TH Wildau

Contact & Service

Contact & Service

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"A healthy mind lives in a healthy body" Juvenal

We have set ourselves the task for the students and employees of the TH Wildau to create a balance to your everyday, university obligations. Switch off from college stress and work and have fun. The sports offerings should promote not only the improvement of mental and physical resilience, but also communication and interaction among the students.

Conditions of Participating in University SportOpen areaClose area

Eligibility and Fees

The status groups 1-4 are eligible for participation in the TH Wildau sport programme

Status group 1: Students of the TH Wildau and other colleges and universities of the State of Brandenburg, trainees of the TH Wildau

Status group 2: Representatives of the TH Wildau and other colleges and universities of the State of Brandenburg, representatives of the Potsdam Student Union, students of other federal states, alumni of the TH Wildau with verification

Status group 3: External (guests)

Status group 4: External (guests) discounted - pupils (under 18 years only with the consent of their guardians, trainees, refugees - with verification

Please bring the corresponding supporting documents at the start of the event for validation purposes.


All courses are subject to registration. Registration for all sports courses is completed online.

Only students and staff are allowed to put themselves forward during the first registration phase. External participants can also register for the sports courses afterwards provided there is free capacity.

Once participation is registered, an email confirmation will be sent with details specifying how course fees can be paid. A reference must be given when making the transfer indicating the reason for payment. Any claim to a place on the booked course shall expire if the course fee, taking into consideration an extended processing time by financial institutions, has not yet cleared the account of the university sports department of the TH Wildau a week after registration. We reserve the right to cancel the course or to combine it with another one if the number of participants for the said course is too low. If the course is cancelled, the fees paid for the course will be immediately refunded upon receipt of your bank details.

If courses are fully booked, there is the possibility to register to be put on a waiting list.

It is not usually possible to change courses, any claim to a place on another course is not valid.

The participants agree that any photographs of them that are taken may be used for the purpose of university sports advertising without claims for remuneration on their part.

The participants agree that any reported data may be passed on to cooperation partners and trainers for implementing and planning the course.

Note: Short-term changes in course scheduling are possible in exceptional cases. Please specify a valid email address when registering online so that notifications can be sent in such cases. The university sports department is not responsible for any problems should the participant not do this.


Each participant pays a specific cost contribution per course. A contribution is thereby made to sports at the TH Wildau, which is used solely to ensure further high quality sporting activities. The fees apply to the respective programme of the current event period and are listed in each sport portfolio. The fee amount depends on the material and personnel resources necessary for putting on the course. The fees will differ depending on the participant's status (student, staff, external participant).

Generally, no refunds are issued for fees that have been paid.

Expulsion from courses

Acting in agreement with the university sports management, the course instructor is entitled to exclude participants from sports activities, if they represent a significant risk to the health or well-being of the other participants due to their behaviour despite having been given a warning.

Liability and exclusion of liability

No liability claims arising from participation in university sports can be made against the TH Wildau or its staff above and beyond the statutory liability limits. We recommend that all those participating in university sports take out suitable indemnity insurance just in case any personal injury or material damage is inflicted on third parties during sports activities leading to liability claims. TH Wildau assumes no liability for theft, property damage and any other damages that may occur in the training facilities used by the university sports department.

Accident insurance

Only students of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau are insured by the Unfallkasse Brandenburg for events selected by the university sports department of the TH Wildau.

In principle, there is no insurance coverage for participating in events organized by cooperating institutes. "Free play groups" without a fixed instructor are also not insured.

Participants that are not members of the university (alumni, external participants, students of other institutions and federal states) are not insured. We recommend that all sports participants have adequate accident and health insurance and liability insurance.

In the event of an accident, the insurance provider is obliged to make a case-by-case decision after considering all the facts.

The casualty must complete an accident report form in this case. This can be downloaded using the following link.

Accident report form students

Accident report form staff

The completed accident report form must be sent to arbeitsschutz(at) (These participation conditions are deemed to be accepted upon completion of a booking.


With the binding booking theese conditions of participation are accepted.

Sports FacilitiesOpen areaClose area

Sport facility




Sporthalle Friedrich-Engelsstr.61

Friedrich-Engelsstr.61, 15745 Wildau

S46 (Wildau)



Jahnstraße 30, 15745 Wildau

S46 (Wildau)


Sporthalle OSZ KW

Brückenstraße 40, 15711 Königs Wusterhausen

S46 (KW), footpath 5 min.


Stadion der Freundschaft

Cottbuser Straße.38,15711 Königs Wusterhausen

S46 (KW), Bus 724, 1 min. footpath


Trainingsplatz Phönix Wildau

Jahnstraße 44, 15745 Wildau

S46 (Wildau)


Förderschule KW

Heinrich von Kleiststr.16b,15711 Königs Wusterhausen

S46 (KW)


Elixus Fitnesscenter

Chausseestr.1, A10 Center, 15745 Wildau

S46 (Wildau),Bus 736/735


Kletterhalle Campus

Schwarzkopfstrasse 6

S46 (Wildau)


Sporthalle Grundschule Wildau

Fichtestr.90, 15745 Wildau

S46 (Wildau)



Alt-Schmöckwitz 8a

S 46 (Wildau), Bus 733


TrainersOpen areaClose area

Become a trainer for University Sports - submit new proposals

If you are interested in taking on the role of trainer in a sport or if you’d like to suggest and lead a new course, send an email to:

Who can become a trainer for University Sports?

For taught courses:

We welcome applicants with an instructor’s or trainer’s certificate but also experts in their sport (several years of experience as a player or trainer) or people with other qualifications (e.g. training in health, fitness, rehab or prevention).

For free play:

No qualifications are necessary. Basic knowledge of the relevant sport is an advantage but not essential.

    Dipl.-Sportwissenschaft Arne Sippel

Dipl.-Sportwissenschaft Arne Sippel Dipl.-Sportwissenschaft Arne Sippel

Tel.: +49 3375 508 111
House 13, Room 157

To the profile