Impressions of the University Information Day #digital 2020

Facts & figures of the HIT #digital
- first digital university information day at TH Wildau
- over 70 live offerings within five hours, including webinars, consultations, chats and virtual tours
- additional presentations, videos and information collections
- a total of six thematic areas:
- Live offers
- Offers of the study programmes
- Offers on everything to do with studying
- Insights into research and project groups
- Offers around international exchange
- Information about campus life and the region
- Offers in German and English for prospective students from Germany and abroad
- Virtual 360° campus tour and virtual laboratory tours
- A total of over 300 interested participants
- Surprise webinar visit by Brandenburg's Minister President Dr. Dietmar Woidke and Brandenburg's Minister for Science, Research and Culture Dr. Manja Schüle