Repair Cafe Wildau

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  5. Repair Cafe Wildau
15:00 - 18:00

Repair Cafe Wildau

Type of event: Workshops
Venue: AWO Treff, Karl-Marx-Str. 123, Wildau
Organiser: Repair Cafe Wildau

What to do if the toaster is broken or your favorite teddy bear is missing an eye?

Throw it away? Think again!

A few dedicated Wildau residents have come together and organize the Repair Cafe Wildau on the last Sunday of every month on a voluntary basis. 


Important for your visit:

Please make an appointment with us by phone or e-mail. For contact information, please visit our website. 
In addition to the broken item, please bring - if possible - what is needed to test its function.

How does a Repaircafe work?
You bring your broken or damaged items from home. Toasters, lamps, clothes, bicycles, toys, dishes... anything that no longer works or is damaged can be brought along. There is a high probability that the repair will be successful! The experts at the Repair Cafe almost always have a solution.

Contact: Susann Schulz
Tel.: +49 3375 508 927
Mobile: +49 151 22037489
House 21, Room A1