Job Application Week
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03 - 07 Feb
14:00 - 16:00

Job Application Week

Type of event: Workshops
Venue: Building LOK21, room A1-01 and online
Organiser: Career Service

14-16 h: Workshops in English

Step by step you will develop a job application that is tailored to the job you want to apply for. You will benefit most if you take part in all five workshops and complete the exercises for the following day. You can then receive feedback directly. Alternatively, you can also take part in individual workshops.

No registration required

3/2/25 How to find and understand job advertisments?
You will learn how to use job portals to search for internships and jobs and how to interpret the information in job adverts correctly.

4/2/25 How to write a CV? (exception: room A1-07)
You will learn a three step method to write a CV that is tailored to the job you want to apply for.

5/2/25 How to write a cover letter?
You will learn a three step method to write a cover letter that is tailored to the job you want to apply for and complements your CV.

6/2/25 How to present your soft skills?
Employers expect applicants to show initiative, communication skills, teamwork and many other soft skills. You will learn a three step method to present your soft skills convincingly in your application documents and in job interviews.

7/2/25 How to prepare for a job interview?
You will learn a three step method to prepare for a job interview. You will receive tips on how to make a good impression and which common mistakes you should avoid.

All workshops will be held in German 10a.m. - 12p.m.

Contact: Dr. Beate Schappach
Tel.: +49 3375 508 698
House 13, Room 028