16:00 - 17:30
[fit4study+] Plan your term – How to get a grip on your classes and exams (workshop in English)
Type of event: Workshops
Venue: BigBlueButton
Organiser: TH College
Do you feel concerned about the new term? Do you have a lot of exams to take? Are you worried about your increasing task list? Are you dissatisfied with your exam results?
Then this workshop is for you. You will learn how to create a study and exam plan customised to your specific situation. You will be able to set your aims realistically, revise for your exams systematically, and keep on track with your studies. Come and make a fresh start - become motivated and well organised.
Lecturer: Beate Schappach
Dr. Beate Schappach
Tel.: +49 3375 508 698
Email: beate.schappach@th-wildau.de
House 13, Room 028