Counselling on exam deregistration at the Infopoint
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10:00 - 17:00

Counselling on exam deregistration at the Infopoint

Type of event: Information event
Venue: Lok21 A1-05
Organiser: Infopoint

Imagine this: The alarm clock has failed, you are late for your exam - what now? Or you suddenly fall ill and don't know how to cancel your enrolment?

Don't worry! We have a counselling service especially for you: trained students will explain to you in English and Hindi how you can cancel your registration for exams - whether in advance, in urgent cases or afterwards. 

What can you expect?

Clear information: Until when can you regularly deregister?

Support in emergencies: What to do in case of illness or delay?

Practical tips so that you are well prepared.

When and where?

13.01.2024, all day on site or online (we will send you the link)

Lok 21 room A1-05 in the Student Counselling Infopoint

Please register:

Come along, find out more and ask your questions - we look forward to hearing from you!

Contact: Susanne Dettmann
Tel.: +49 3375 508 794
House 21, Room A105