Campus, mobility, network & language - TH Wildau focuses on internationalisation in various university areas

Internationality and interculturality are an integral part of everyday university life at TH Wildau. With students from over 70 nations, the university is home to a colourful cultural diversity on campus. For this reason, various teams are continuously working on a comprehensive internationalisation strategy and regularly organise events to bring together members of the university and external parties from the region and beyond.
What characterises an international university? How can students, employees and even external parties be involved in the process of internationalisation? These are questions that the Centre for International Affairs (ZfIA) and other departments at Wildau University of Applied Sciences (TH Wildau) are addressing. The motivation for this is obvious: with students from over 70 nations, the university on the outskirts of Berlin is home to a colourful variety of cultures on campus. Almost one in five students comes from abroad and brings their individual perspectives and experiences to everyday university life. Many employees are also of international origin and bring fresh impetus to the study and research landscape at TH Wildau.
In addition, TH Wildau currently maintains around 75 university partnerships in over 60 countries worldwide, including over 40 Erasmus partnerships in Europe. In this context, TH Wildau developed its first university-wide internationalisation strategy for the years 2020 to 2022. The aim is to anchor internationalisation as a strategic process in four core areas, i.e. to promote an international campus, establish and expand international networks and strategic partnerships, enable international mobility for students and employees and (further) develop a comprehensive language concept and international study programmes.
"TH Wildau sees internationalisation as a cross-sectional task that affects all areas and all members of the university. We want to promote and strengthen quality in research, teaching and transfer and, of course, ensure the competitiveness of our university and the region. It is a process, but it is more topical than ever and we are looking forward to every step and everything that is yet to come," says Karin Schmidt, Head of the International Office at TH Wildau.
Regular international events for everyone
In order to bring together students, employees and other interested parties - regardless of their origin - and to promote intercultural exchange, the International Office at TH Wildau organises the International Afternoon once a semester. At various "country tables", members of the university present traditional dishes, drinks and much more.
"Our International Afternoon is already a firm fixture in the annual events calendar. Delicious dishes from all over the world, great conversations, entertaining music and even exuberant dancing are simply part of it and everyone goes home with a smile. For the future of the event, we would be delighted if even more people from Wildau and the surrounding area found their way to us," says Carolina Winkler, organiser of the event and employee at the International Office of the TH Wildau.
If you're curious now, you can make a note of 14 November 2024 in your diary. That's when the International Afternoon of the upcoming winter semester 2024/2025 will take place in the foyer of Hall 17 on campus.
Welcome @ TH Wildau to the Wildau International Week
In addition, the International Office organises the Wildau International Week every spring. Lecturers from the TH Wildau partner universities are invited to get to know the university, the campus and the vibrant German capital region of Berlin-Brandenburg. The programme includes guest lectures in various degree programmes, company visits, workshops on the German language and culture and information events for Wildau students interested in studying abroad and more.
From teaching
In the area of teaching, there are already several English-language degree programmes at the TH Wildau, for example European Business Management or Technical Management, as well as double degree programmes with partner universities, for example in European Management or Logistics. The latter comprise two degree programmes, only parts of which are completed at TH Wildau and another university, but which lead to two or more degrees. There are also joint degree programmes, which comprise a joint degree course offered at TH Wildau together with one or more foreign universities and leading to a joint degree.
Further information
Information about the International Office of TH Wildau:
Specialist contacts at the TH Wildau:
Karin Schmidt
Head of International Office
Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau
Phone: +49 (0)3375 508 851
Contact persons External Communication TH Wildau:
Mike Lange / Mareike Rammelt
Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau
Phone +49 (0)3375 508 211 / -669