Dean and Associate DeanOpen areaClose area
House 100, Room 206-208
Central phone: +49 (0)3375 508 790
Central fax: +49 (0)3375 508 566
Central email: dekanat.wir(at)
Technische Hochschule Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau
eMail: dekan.wir(at)
If there is a current need for talks, appointments can be made at short notice by email or via the Dean's Office.
Arrangement of staff appraisals: see below.
Associate Dean
Dean's officeOpen areaClose area
House 100, Room 100-208
Central phone: +49 (0)3375 508 790
Central fax: +49 (0)3375 508 566
Central email: dekanat.wir(at)
Technische Hochschule Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau
Opening hours of the Dean's office
Monday to Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
13:00 h until 15:00
In addition, the Dean's Office can be reached in the home office during normal working hours by email and telephone.
Non-disruptive working hours
Dean's office secretariat and main areas of work
Gabriela Anlauf ( Tel.: +49 3375 508 570 / eMail: gabriela.anlauf(at) )
Contact person for the degree programmes:
- European Management
- Public Administration Brandenburg
- Administrative Informatics Brandenburg
- Economics and Law
- Local Government Management and Law (discontinued)
- Administration and Law (discontinuing)
Katrin Wiedemann ( Tel.: +49 3375 508 910 / eMail: katrin.wiedemann(at) )
Contact person for the degree programmes:
- Business Administration (direct studies)
- Business Administration (part-time study)
- Business Management
- Business Informatics
For enquiries about the WIT degree programmes, please call: +49 (0)3375-508-601 / eMail: info(at)
Programme coordinationOpen areaClose area
Technische Hochschule Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau
PO Box No. 80 in House 13
Katharina Branske
House 100, Room 008
Phone: +49 (0)3375 / 508 224
Contact person for the degree programmes:
- Public Administration Brandenburg
- Administrative Informatics Brandenburg
Juliane Kunzendorf
House 100, Room 005
Phone: +49 (0)3375 / 508 833
Contact person for the degree programmes:
- European Management
- European Business Management
- Business and Law
Veronika Leifels
House 100, Room 005
Phone: +49 (0)3375 / 508 834
Contact person for the degree programmes:
- Business Administration (direct studies)
- Business Administration (part-time study)
- Business Management
- Business Information Systems
Claudia Wruck
House 100, Room 008
Phone: +49 (0)3375 / 508 882
E-mail: claudia.wruck(at)
Contact person for the degree programmes:
- Business Information Systems dual
Degree Programme DirectorsOpen areaClose area
Programme European Business Management - Bachelor:
Frau Prof. Dr. Dominguez Lacasa
Programme European Management - Bachelor:
Frau Prof. Dr. Dominguez Lacasa
Programme European Management - Master:
Programme Business and Law - Bachelor and Master:
Study programme Business Management - Master:
Programme Business Management - Bachelor:
Programme Business Management - part-time Bachelor:
Frau Prof. Dr. Klipstein provisional
Business Computing - Bachelor:
Herr Prof. Dr. Alexander Lübbe
Business Computing, practice-integrated dual - Bachelor:
Herr Prof. Dr. Alexander Lübbe
Business Computing - Master:
Herr Prof. Dr. Mathias Walther
Programme Public Administration Brandenburg - Bachelor:
Programme in Administrative Informatics - Bachelor:
Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Rein
Studiengang Public Administration:
Examination BoardOpen areaClose area
Herr Prof. Dr. Stefan Trencsik
Group of professors
Herr Prof. Dr. Stefan Trencsik
Group of academic employees
Group of students
Herr Benjamin Sapok
This examination board is equally responsible for all degree programmes of the WIR faculty (incl. WIT-MBA).
You can reach the examination board at: pruefungsausschuss.wir(at)
Dealing with attempts to deceive
Faculty CouncilOpen areaClose area
- Herr Prof. Dr. Steglich (Chairman), E-Mail
- Frau Prof. Dr. Bösener (Deputy), E-Mail
- Frau Prof. Dr. Klapschus, E-Mail
- Frau Prof. Dr. Schön, E-Mail
- Herr Prof. Dr. Szymanski, E-Mail
- Herr Prof. Dr. Stollhoff, E-Mail
Academic staff members:
Berger, Daniel
Punzel, Erik
Other employees:
There were no proposals
For meeting dates, please refer to the calendar on the far right of our FB page.
The meetings are scheduled for 3.00 p.m. in room 100-109.
The documents for the meetings can be found at:
Internship OfficerOpen areaClose area
Frau Prof. Dr. Dominguez Lacasa (Programme Speaker European Management)
Frau Prof. Budilov-Nettelmann (Programme spokesperson for Economics and Law)
Frau Prof. Dr. Klipstein (Programme Speaker Business Administration)
Herr Prof. Dr. Ronny Freier (part-time Business Administration internship)
Herr Prof. Dr. Alexander Lübbe (practical course in business computing)
BAföG-OfficerOpen areaClose area
Hr. Prof.Dr.rer.pol.habil. Stephan Meyer
Fr. Prof. Dr. Dominguez Lacasa
For students:
If you have a concern regarding BAföG, please follow this Link!
Internationalisation OfficerOpen areaClose area
Contact person for:
- international partnerships and projects
- international employees
- international students
- teaching in English
- other internationalization measures
in the Business, Computing, Law faculty.
Office hours of the lecturersOpen areaClose area
WIR Library CommissionOpen areaClose area
Members of the Commission:
Prof. Dr. iur. Carsten Kunkel (Chairman), E-Mail
Prof.Dr.rer.pol.habil. Iciar Dominguez Lacasa
Employee appraisal (employee-supervisor discussion)Open areaClose area
Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to make an appointment with me for your staff appraisal (staff-supervisor discussion).
I have reserved a Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. once a month for these talks.
They are confidential and can cover all topics that affect your work at TH Wildau.
They are based on the guidelines that you can find at
can find.
I look forward to your registration at: dekan.wir(at)
Kind regards
Christian Müller