Spanish language courses
Regal in der Bibliothek der TH Wildau

Spanish language courses

In the winter semester 2024/2025 we offer the following Spanish courses.

En el semestre de invierno 2024/2025 ofrecemos los siguientes cursos de español.



Spanish level A0/A1.1Open areaClose area

Spanish for beginners A0/A1.1


Details: Tuesdays 13:30 – 15:00 ,  Room 100-U15, from 08. October. 2024.


Course content: The course is aimed at beginners with no previous knowledge of Spanish. Chapters 1 to 5 of Perspectivas ¡Ya! A1


Literature: Perspectivas ¡Ya! A1. Spanish course and exercise book, Cornelsen Verlag


Remarks: It would be a great advantage if participants buy or borrow the book


Prerequisites: none


Certificate of achievement: In order to receive a certificate of achievement, students must attend classes regularly (compulsory attendance) and write an exam at the end of the course


Fees: for students and unemployed 69€, TH Wildau employees/teaching staff 130€, others 160€

* Important note: Course fees received can only be refunded if TH Wildau does not run the course


Minimum number of participants: 6


Registration: Via Online-Formular, by 30. September 2024, including payment of the fee


Bank account for payment:

Recipient: TH Wildau

Account no.: 3667 020 979 at MBS Potsdam (sort code: 160 500 00)

IBAN: DE74 1605 0000 3667 020 979


Reference: Spanisch A0/A1 WiSe 24/25


Spanish level A1.2Open areaClose area

Spanish A1.2


Teacher: Jorge Vitón


Details: Tuesdays 15:15 – 16:45, Room 100-U15, from October 8, 2024.


Comment/content: The course is aimed at students who have attended the Spanish optional A1.1 course or have equivalent previous knowledge. Chapters 6 to 10 of Perspectivas ¡Ya! A1


Course book: Perspectivas ¡Ya! A1. Spanish course and exercise book, Cornelsen Verlag


Remarks: none


Prerequisites: Spanish A1.1 course attended or equivalent previous knowledge


Certificate of achievement: In order to receive a certificate of achievement, students must attend classes regularly (compulsory attendance) and write an exam at the end of the course


Fees: for students and unemployed 69€, TH Wildau employees/teaching staff 130€, others 160€

* Important note: Course fees received can only be refunded if TH Wildau does not run the course


Minimum number of participants: 6


Registration: Via Online-Formular, by 30. September 2024, including payment of the fee


Bank account for payment:

Recipient: TH Wildau

Account no.: 3667 020 979 at MBS Potsdam (sort code: 160 500 00)

IBAN: DE74 1605 0000 3667 020 979


Reference: Spanisch A1.2 WiSe 24/25


Spanish A2.2Open areaClose area

Spanish A2.2

Teacher: Jorge Vitón


Details: Tuesdays 17:00 – 18:30, Room 100-U15, from October 8, 2024.


Comment/content: The course is aimed at students who have attended the Spanish optional A1.3 course or have equivalent previous knowledge. It covers chapters 1 to 15 of Perspectivas ¡Ya! A2


Literature: Perspectivas ¡Ya! A2. Spanish course and exercise book, Cornelsen Verlag


Remarks: It would be a great advantage if participants buy or borrow the book


Prerequisites: Spanish A2.1 course attended or equivalent previous knowledge


Certificate of achievement: In order to receive a certificate of achievement, students must attend classes regularly (compulsory attendance) and write an exam at the end of the course


Fees: for students and unemployed 69€, TH Wildau employees/teaching staff 130€, others 160€

* Important note: Course fees received can only be refunded if TH Wildau does not run the course


Minimum number of participants: 6


Registration Via Online-Formular, by 30. September 2024, including payment of the fee


Bank account for payment:

Recipient: TH Wildau

Account no.: 3667 020 979 at MBS Potsdam (sort code: 160 500 00)

IBAN: DE74 1605 0000 3667 020 979


Reference: Spanisch A2.2 WiSe 24/25


Course level

For information on the levels please see the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.