English language courses
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English language courses

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We offer optional English courses for students and staff.

Optional English Courses and Examinations

English for Business and Engineering (B2)Open areaClose area

English for Business and Engineering (B2)

Teacher: Jonny Hunt


Details: Thursdays 17:30 - 19:00 room 100-101, starting 28 March 2024

15 class weeks, 2 hours per week. Follow-up courses may be organised if demand permits

Fees: for students and unemployed 90€, Others 120€

* Important note: Course fees can only be refunded if the course does not run


Minimum number of participants: 6


Registration: Via Online-Formular, by 27. March 2024, including payment of the fee


Bank account for payment:
Recipient: TH Wildau
Account no.: 3667 020 979 bei der MBS Potsdam (BLZ: 160 500 00)
IBAN: DE74 1605 0000 3667 020 979
Reference: English B2 SoSe 24


Academic WritingOpen areaClose area

                    Elective Course in Academic Writing         

A one-week course in writing skills for academic purposes


Date: 02 - 06 September 2024 , 9:00-15:00

Location: House 100-419

Cost: Free of charge

This course is designed for all bachelor's and master's students at the TH Wildau, both German and international, who wish to write papers or their dissertation in English and would like to develop their writing skills. The focus will be on the conventional moves and strategies of academic writing such as:







Being critical

Transition statements



This corpus-based course will offer practice in processes and strategies that enable students to present their work in a clear and coherent fashion. A variety of free online tools will be demonstrated which enable students to make their writing more formal and academic. Particular attention will be paid to collocations (how words are combined to form phrases) and the challenges that German students face when they seek to develop their own academic style. Students are welcome to bring along their own academic work so that individual feedback can be provided on the final day.

To be offered as an intensive course comprising 30 hours.

This course is free for all students, please register directly on Moodle.

1. Please first log in using your TH wildau e-mail account

2. click on option "enrol me in this course".

3. Type enrolment key: LID6qYSn14

Link to Moodle course: https://elearning.th-wildau.de/course/view.php?id=18967

English Requirements for Admission to Study at TH WildauOpen areaClose area

Some degree programmes at TH Wildau require proof of English for admission. For details of what is required applicants should consult the relevant degree programme regulations.

For European Business Management (BA), European Management (MA), Technical Management (MSc) and the specialisation in International Business Law within the Business and Law LLM programmes you require an external C1 English certificate, for example, while for programmes in the Wildau Institute of Technology you also require certification of English skills. This must be provided with one of the certificates listed here: Proof of English language skills for enrolment at TH Wildau.

For information please contact Mr. Bradbeer.

For admission to the master's programmes in Business Management, Business and Law (general admission and the specialisation in Human Resources), and Business Computing only, we can offer an internal test free of charge, as these programmes are not taught entirely in English. Please always check the relevant admission requirements and study and examination regulations first, as you may qualify for admission without further proof of English. This test is held in July each year only.


Friday 14 July, 10:00 am

Room 100-419.

For information on this test please contact John O'Donoghue.


*mit dem Absenden Ihrer Anmeldung akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung der TH Wildau/ *by sending your registration you accept the TH Wildau data proteccion declaration. (www.th-wildau.de/datenschutz).

Course level

For information on the levels please see the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages