German as a Foreign Language
Studenten auf dem Campus der TH Wildau

German as a Foreign Language


German as Foreign Language

German Language Courses (different levels)Open areaClose area

German courses in the Summer semester 2025 (17.03.2025-28.06.2025)

Please note that these German courses are open to TH Wildau exchange students, other students of TH Wildau, TH Wildau teaching staff and personnel as well as external people. See below if fees are to be paid.


  • German for Beginners - Course A - (4 SWS) A1.1 Refresher with Mrs. Demarchi, Tuesdays 08:00-11:15 am, Room 100-401
  • German for (absolute) Beginners - Course B - (4 SWS) with Mrs. Baierova, Tuesdays 08:00 - 11:15 am, Room 100-301
  • German A1.2 (4 SWS) with Mrs. Bucher, Tuesdays 08:00-11:15, Room 100-419
  • German A1.3 (4 SWS) with Mrs. Baierova, Tuesdays 11:30-14:45, Room 100-U05
  • German A2.1 (4 SWS) with Mr. Koselowsky, Tuesdays 15:00-18:15, Room 100-419
  • German A2.2 (4 SWS) with Mrs. Schultz, Tuesdays 11:30-14:45, Room 100-101
  • German B1 (4 SWS) with Mr. Stiglbauer, Tuesdays 15:00-18:15, Room 100-401
  • German B2/C1 (4 SWS) with Mr. Stiglbauer, Tuesdays 11:30-14:45, Room 100-401


Cultural programme:



Free of charge for students and employees of TH Wildau,

Costs for external participants (the courses can be booked if capacities are available):
3 € per unit (teaching unit 45 minutes),

for 12 weeks á 4 SWS (semester hours per week 1 SWS = 1 teaching unit): 144 €

for 12 weeks á 2 SWS: 72 €


Please note that the German courses for external interested parties are not associated with student status.

Registration: Please register using the online form.


Bank details:
Recipient: TH Wildau
Account no.: 3667 020 979 at MBS Potsdam (bank code: 160 500 00)
IBAN: DE74 1605 0000 3667 020 979
Reference: German  SoSe 25



Following TH-Wildau Moodle Course is open to all German learners, there you can find many exercises, videos and tips for learning German.

Please follow this link to check your German level: "DaF Sprachtest"

The Deutsche Welle (DW) offers many audios, texts, videos, exercises etc. for learning German.

 The Language Center of the FU Berlin offers a nice collection of materials for learning many languages, including German.

*SWS=Semesterwochenstunden/ weekly lecture hours

*CP= Credit Points

*1 teaching unit = 45 Minuten


* By sending this email I accept the TH Wildau data protection declaration



German language examination for university admission of foreign applicants (DSH)

DSH Course und DSH ExaminationOpen areaClose area

Have you decided on a degree programme in German at the TH Wildau?  Then you need a "DSH 2" certificate (or equivalent).

The Language Centre at TH Wildau is a registered DSH centre (Centre for the German Language Test for University Admission) and offers DSH courses and examinations.

The following examination dates and preparation courses for the German Language Test for University Admission (DSH) are offered at the TH Wildau:

Enquiries to: Ms Laman Imamaliyeva at dsh(at)


DSH preparation courses:

In the summer semester 2025, we also offer a DSH preparation course for external interested parties subject to availability; this course comprises 12 SWS* and takes place from March 2025 to June 2025. The course ends with the DSH exam.

Registration for the DSH preparation course is now open.

In the summer semester 2025, probably online or in a combination of online and classroom teaching:

Wednesday and Thursdays online (10-15:00) 6 UE each, a total of 150 UE* with the opportunity to take the DSH in mid-June 2025.

Registration deadline for the DSH course: 01.03.2025


In the summer semester 2025, we also offer a DSH preparation course for external interested parties, subject to availability, this course includes 12 SWS* and takes place from March to June 2024. The course ends with the DSH exam.

Registration for the DSH preparation course is now open:

in the summer semester 2025 in a combination of online and face-to-face lessons:

Wednesday and Thursdays (10am-3pm) online 6 units each, 150 units in total* with the opportunity to take the DSH on 14.06.2025 or in mid-August 2025.


DSH course participation is not linked to student status.

Technical requirements: Computer with camera and microphone, internet access

Prerequisite for participation in the DSH exam for external interested parties:

DSH preparation course at the TH Wildau, completed level B2 or C1

Please purchase the course book for the course:

Mit Erfolg zur DSH - Übungsbuch
Including audio files for smartphone + tablet
B2 - C2

*Explanation: 1 SWS = semester hour per week (= 1 UE), UE = 1 teaching unit = 45 minutes

DSH examinations 2025: 17.01.2025, mid June and mid August 2025

Registration deadline for the course: 01.03.2025

Costs: 600,- €

DSH exam: costs: € 260

If you are interested, please contact us at


Information on the preparation

We recommend all external participants to prepare with the DSH mock exam and corresponding material offered by various publishers.


Information on the exam procedure and certificate

Every participant who has successfully completed the written DSH exam will be invited to take the oral exam. Approximately 2 weeks after passing the written and oral examination, each participant will receive the DSH certificate. You can receive 2 internally notarised copies of each certificate after prior registration. Each additional certification must be paid for in accordance with the TH fee schedule.


Here you can find the examination regulations of the TH Wildau for the DSH:


Here you can find the DSH fee schedule of the TH Wildau:


Here you can find the registration of the TH Wildau as a registered DSH centre on the website of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK):

Mock Tests

1. Mock test available for downloadOpen areaClose area

4. Mock test available for downloadOpen areaClose area

    M.A. Daniela Schultz

Contact person M.A. Daniela Schultz M.A. Daniela Schultz

Tel.: +49 3375 508 262
House 100, Room 403

To the profile

Course level

For information on the levels please see the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages