TH Wildau Sustainable Mobility Academy
Eine Straßenbahn, die schnell vorbeifährt

TH Wildau Sustainable Mobility Academy

German version

Sustainable Mobility Academy

The HAW.International funding programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which was launched in October 2019, supports university-wide internationalisation measures, particularly for universities of applied sciences.

The Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau has been approved for the project "TH Wildau Sustainable Mobility Academy" in the HAW.International DAAD programme for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024.

The application was submitted by the President of TH Wildau, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tippe, together with Prof. Dr. Jörg Reiff-Stephan (Vice President of Studies and Learning), Prof. Dr. Christian Rudolph (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences), Karin Schmidt (International Office), and Dr. Jeffrey Wolf (International Office) on the basis of a university-wide call for ideas.

The project is divided into four action areas:

  • Sustainable Mobility Summer Academy
  • Continuous Exchange Network
  • Sustainable Mobility at Home
  • Sustainable for the Future

Action Area: Sustainable Mobility Summer AcademyOpen areaClose area

The core component of the Academy is an international and interdisciplinary Sustainable Mobility Summer Academy, which will be held in English at TH Wildau for a fortnight in 2024 (02. Sept - 13. Sept). The Summer Academy brings together lecturers and students, researchers and administrative staff of TH Wildau, and its international partner institutions, as well as employees of practice partners from the region for lectures, seminars, workshops and excursions.


Action Area: Continuous Exchange NetworkOpen areaClose area

The Summer Conference is complemented by a Continuous Exchange Network (CEN), which runs all year round and supports not only incoming students and staff on the Wildau campus but also outgoing students, staff, and faculty. The exchange network offers year-round opportunities to deepen and continuously promote the activities and networks in the field of sustainable mobility established and expanded during the Summer Conference itself in cooperation with our international partners.

Action Area: Sustainable Mobility at HomeOpen areaClose area

Beyond the international mobilities to and from TH Wildau, the project will also take ownership of initiatives on campus and, in cooperation with other university units, ensure that the interests of internationalisation are closely aligned with those of a more sustainable campus.

These activities are bundled in the cross-departmental Sustainability Working Group, which is based at the Centre for International Affairs and brings together a cross-section of staff and students or lecturers from the two faculties, co-chaired by the Sustainability Manager. The activities of the group aim to increase awareness among all university members about how issues of sustainable mobility affect us all, starting with everyday (international) campus life.


Action Area: Sustainable for the FutureOpen areaClose area

As a basis for the sustainability of the Academy beyond the funding period, the project team will set up a central platform for the collection of empirical data. This 'data hub' will serve as a basis for 'lessons learned' and all 'best practices' that will be built and expanded during the course of the project.

With the experience gained as a foundation, it is planned to firmly anchor the Sustainable Mobility Academy at TH Wildau by the end of the funding period. A working group under the leadership of the Vice President for Studies and Teaching and with the participation of the President, who is also Vice President for Digitisation and Continuing Academic Education at the German Rectors' Conference, is in charge of this.

The structural stabilisation of the Academy serves as a model project for the strategic goal of making the teaching and study programmes more flexible. It functions as a starting point for a pioneering continuing education concept, especially at Bachelor's level, in the course of the planned introduction of a new university unit for "Innovative Study and Continuing Education Concepts" and as a new study offer in the portfolio of the already longer established Wildau Institute of Technology, especially at Master's level.

Portraitbild Valeria Fèlix

Project Manager

Valeria Felix

Email: smacademy(at)
House 13, Room 214

Mitarbeiterin Constanze Eichler steht auf einer grünen Wiese auf dem Campus der TH Wildau

Project Coordinator

Constanze Eichler

Email: smacademy(at)
House 13, Room 214

Supported by:

Project Team

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tippe, President of TH Wildau
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Reiff-Stephan, Professor for Automation Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Rudolph, Endowed Chair for Cycling in Intermodal Transport Networks
  • Karin Schmidt, Head of the International Office
  • Valeria Felix, Project Manager
  • Constanze Eichler, Project Coordinator

International Partners:

International partners include all partners in the European Neighbours Initiative:

Additional international partners:

Local and Regional Praxis Partners: