Orientation week for international students winter semester 2024/2025
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Orientation week for international students winter semester 2024/2025

Welcome to TH Wildau!

German Version

You are from abroad and new at TH Wildau?

The orientation weeks for international students at the TH Wildau are designed to make it easier for them to start their studies and make initial social contacts. The events take place on site and partly virtually to enable all students to participate.

Orientation week für winter semester 24/25

The orientation week for the winter semester 2024/2025 will take place from September 16 to 20, 2024. On September 16 at 9:30 a.m., a session is planned in House 16 - Room 16-0093, which can also be attended digitally via simon.devos@th-wildau.webex.com.

What awaits you during the orientation week?

During the orientation week, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet Other Students: Engage with fellow international, fostering connections and building a supportive network within the campus community.
  • Get Your Schedule Done (exchange students): Receive guidance on your academic schedule, course registration, and any necessary administrative tasks to kickstart your academic journey smoothly.
  • Explore Our Campus: Familiarize yourself with the campus facilities, key locations, and resources available to support your academic and personal growth during your time at the university.
  • Learn German: Participate in language sessions or workshops designed to help you improve your German language skills, enhancing your cultural experience and integration into the local community.
  • Participate in Various Activities: Engage in a range of activities planned during the orientation week, including a cultural event and a city tour in Berlin to enrich your overall university experience.

    Dipl.-Wirtsch.infor. (FH) Carolina Maria Winkler

Dipl.-Wirtsch.infor. (FH) Carolina Maria Winkler Dipl.-Wirtsch.infor. (FH) Carolina Maria Winkler