Sustainability Working Group

Sustainability Working Group

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Theme of the current academic year: Sustainable Nutrition

What we eat is diverse and how we eat is different from one person to the next. However, we all could source, prepare, and consume our food more sustainably.

For the academic year 2024/2025, the Sustainability Working Group has set itself the goal of organizing and promoting activities and information events on the topic of sustainable nutrition.

The “Too good for the bin” (Zu gut für die Tonne) initiative, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), provides us with an initial introduction to the topic.

Here you will find tips for purchasing, preparing and using leftover food.

We invite all university members to contribute their own ideas, information and suggestions on the topic and link them with our page. Send your ideas and suggestions to nachhaltigkeit(at)

The Sustainability Working Group

The Sustainability Working Group was founded in 2021. Students, staff members, lecturers, and professors work together for the sustainable design of the TH Wildau. The Sustainability Department of the Student Council is also represented. For more information, write to nachhaltigkeit(at)

We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. To participate see the information in the calendar of events.

Vision & Mission: we want to contribute to the long-term social benefit of the university as a pioneer in sustainable development in the fields of teaching, research, transfer and governance.