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Claudia Steinborn-Maglóczki
Claudia Steinborn-Maglóczki was born in Germany and grew up in Berlin and Hungary.
She read her Master of Arts in English / American Studies and in Hungarian Studies at Humboldt University of Berlin and her Master of Arts in European Administrative Management at University of Applied Sciences for Administration and Law Berlin (today Berlin School of Economics and Law).
During her studies she spent some years in England and Hungary and likes to explore different countries and cultures.
She has been working with international students in the field of higher education and evaluation of international educational certificates for many years.
Administrative CoordinatorOpen areaClose area

Chen Chen-Tributh
Chen Chen-Tributh was born in Beijing, China.
After finishing her bachelor´s degree in German Language and Literature at the Nanjing University in China, she started studying abroad in Germany. At the Georg-August-University Göttingen she acquired her bachelor’s degree in Economics and a master´s degree in International Economics. She has been working in the education field for many years, particularly with international academic institutions and multicultural students.
Head of AcademicsOpen areaClose area
Katrin Gebhardt
Katrin Gebhardt was born and grew up in Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt). She studied in Leipzig and Berlin and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Russian Studies (HU Berlin) and a Master's degree in Hispanic Studies, Latin American Studies and Sociology (HU and FU Berlin). She also completed and graduated from a distance learning programme for teaching German as a foreign language (Goethe Institute and LMU Munich). During her studies she spent time in Russia, Spain and Latin America.
Katrin Gebhardt has been teaching German as a foreign language for many years, is a member of the DSH examination team at TH Wildau, and has coordinated and managed the Welcome Center at TH Wildau since 2018. Since August 2022, she has been part of the academic management of the WFY programme.
She loves discovering new cultures, learning and collaborating with people from all parts of the world.
In her leisure time she enjoys cycling and started playing the piano.
Adrian Stiglbauer
Adrian Stiglbauer was born in Munich. He studied at Freie Universität Berlin and graduated with a Master's degree in Linguistics and Literary Studies. He also completed and obtained an additional degree in German as a Foreign Language at Humboldt University Berlin.
Adrian Stiglbauer has been working at Wildau University of Applied Sciences since 2010. He teaches German as a foreign language at the Language Centre and in the Welcome and WFY programmes at TH Wildau. Adrian Stiglbauer is deputy head of the DSH examination board and since August 2022 part of the academic management of the WFY programme.
Academic CoordinatorOpen areaClose area

Sarah Paschke
Sarah Paschke was born in Würselen and grew up in the Rhineland. She moved to Berlin for an education in the music industry. She changed the industry and read her bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Educational Science at the University of Potsdam and completed a master’s degree in Educational Science at the Technical University Berlin.
As part of a research project, she evaluated the study preparation courses for refugees MINT-DaF at the Technical University Berlin. After her studies she worked in a project for pedagogical specialists. While she herself has never spent a long time abroad, she now looks forward to connecting with international students and learning from them.

We are delighted by your interest in the WFY.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We speak the following languages:
German, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Hungarian
Looking forward to seeing you soon in Wildau!