The dual Bachelor's degree program in Public Administration Brandenburg is a joint (internal) degree program for the state and local administration of Brandenburg.
It includes an extraordinary range of legal, economic, administrative and social science subjects. Due to its scientific and practical orientation and the possibility of specialization in the specialization phase, it qualifies students for employment in all areas of the higher general administrative service.
Key facts
Degree |
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) |
Modes of Study |
dual degree programme with integrated internships |
Study Programme Duration |
7 semester (full-time) |
Language of Instruction |
German |
Programme Start |
winter semester (start in September) |
Application Deadlines |
The application deadlines of the various recruitment authorities are valid. You will then be enrolled at Th Wildau. |
ECTS-Credits |
210 CP |
Fees |
Special Features |
The general prerequisite is a contract with a cooperating authority in the state of Brandenburg. |
Faculty |
Study objectives
The dual-discipline "Public Administration in Brandenburg" bachelor's degree programme includes an extremely wide range of legal, economic, administrative and social-scientific teaching content. Thanks to its scientific and practical orientation and the possibility of specialisation in the advanced studies phase, it qualifies the students for employment in all fields of senior general administration. Study is undertaken in joint seminar groups (state and municipalities) of a manageable size (approx. 35 students).
- Acquisition of comprehensive specialist skills, especially in the field of law, as well as basic knowledge in the main scientific disciplines
- Acquisition of in-depth methodological skills for solving technical matters in the field of public law, notification and presentation techniques, project management capabilities
- Ability to independently acquire information and evaluation, analytical and assessment capabilities, political understanding and result- and goal-oriented action
- In addition to the practical implementation of the skills learned, the internships also focus on teamwork and cooperation skills, customer orientation and communication skills.
Career opportunitiesOpen areaClose area
- In the entire Brandenburg state administration
- At the municipal level in the district, city, commune and federal office administration as well as municipal special-purpose associations/municipal enterprises or businesses
- Upon successful conclusion of the degree programme and entry into a new employment relationship, good opportunities are in place for further development in state and municipal administration. Staff in senior general administration form the backbone of public administration and oversee challenging and varied tasks at all levels of administration, e.g. supervisory activities or licensing, enforcement and advisory services for citizens and businesses. Officials also have a responsible role in central administrative areas such as personnel, finance department and organisation.
Admission requirements and applicationOpen areaClose area
Admission requirements
- To be admitted to this degree programme, overseas applicants must possess sufficient German language skills. This may be demonstrated with an overall grade of DSH-2 or better from the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für Hochschulen (DSH) language exam.
- The appointing authority is responsible for the decision about the satisfaction of requirements for acceptance onto the degree programme after an aptitude test, based on or in analogous application of, the regulation for training and examination for the career of senior general administrator in the state of Brandenburg (APOgD).
- A condition for admission is the appointment as a civil servant with a revocable appointment or the conclusion of a training contract with the appointing authority.
The respective appointing authorities are responsible for degree programme admissions.
Those interested in the state of Brandenburg can apply online at www.studiengang-oevbb.brandenburg.de observing the respective application deadlines.
Likewise, those interested in the recruitment conditions on the municipal level can contact the respective district, city, commune or the federal office in the State of Brandenburg. The recruitment authorities known to the TH Wildau on a municipal level, who are expected to be hiring applicants, can be found under the following link: