Language requirementsOpen areaClose area
Applicants must have the required level of German for their degree programme.
The following certificates are accepted as evidence of language ability:
- Deutsche Sprachprüfung für Hochschulzugang (DSH) language exam with an overall grade of DSH-2
- “Feststellungsprüfung am Studienkolleg” assessment examination (German)
- A completed degree programme at a German speaking university
- Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe II (DSD II) mit dem Niveau C1 in allen 4 Prüfungsteilen
- Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS)
- Östereichisches Sprachdiplom C2 (ÖSD C2)
- TestDaF with a test result of “four” in each of the four areas of examination
- Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule.
Please note:
- There is no need to demonstrate knowledge of the German language (DSH-2) for master’s degree programmes offered exclusively in English.
- Proof of language proficiency in English is required alongside that of German for certain bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes.
- More information regarding the language requirements is available on the websites of the respective degree programme.
General admission requirementsOpen areaClose area
University admission qualification
In order to apply to study at TH Wildau for a first degree, you must hold a university admission qualification (technical college entrance examination or subject-specific technical college entrance examination, general or subject-specific university admission qualification).
Those without a university admission qualification
According to Section 9 Paragraph 2 Items 6 - 11 of the University Education Laws in Brandenburg, applicants who do not hold a certificate that qualifies them for entrance into the university may still be admitted if certain conditions are met:
- Master Craftsman’s Diploma (Meisterprüfung)
- Further education qualification as defined in the the Vocational Training Act or Trade and Crafts Code with at least 400 teaching hours,
- comparable qualification (with regards to the Meisterprüfung / further education qualification) based on further education courses
- for careers in the health sector or social care / educational careers,
- certificate of competence in maritime services according to the Ship Officers’ Training Regulation with at least 400 teaching hours,
- a completion certificate from a public technical school or a independently run technical school that has been recognised by the state, or
- a completion certificate of 'lower secondary education' or equivalent and vocational training suitable for the intended degree programme, followed by at least two years' professional experience.
Each federal state has its own rules for university entrance. Please take time to carefully check before the end of the application deadline that your qualification is recognised in Brandenburg for your chosen degree programme. If in any doubt, please get in touch with the State Education Authority for Brandenburg in Cottbus, Blechenstrasse 1, 03046 Cottbus.
Prior practical experience
Gaining some practical experience prior to starting any degree programme is highly recommended. This experience should provide you with an insight into the foundations of economic trade or industrial production such that you can relate the course contents to practical applications.
Degree programme-specific admission requirementsOpen areaClose area
Any special admission requirements for specific degree programmes can be found on the website for the relevant degree programme:
Additional requires for Master’s programmesOpen areaClose area
- A professional first degree is required to be admitted onto a Master’s degree programme.
- Any additional admission requirements can be found on the website for the relevant Master’s degree programme.
- Further professional development Master’s programmes additionally require that you demonstrate at least one year of professional experience.
Please note: You may apply for admission to a Master’s degree programme even if you have not yet completed your Bachelor’s degree due to having failed an examination, provided that you expect to have fully completed the Bachelor’s degree before commencement of the Master’s degree programmes and that any other requirements for the chosen Master’s degree programme have been met.