Semiconductor-based hydrogen safety sensors
The overarching goal of the HySecure project is to develop deployable hydrogen safety sensors for industrial, public, and private applications. The increasing establishment of hydrogen as an energy carrier in power generation and heating is becoming more significant for the state of Brandenburg, which is already intensively promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Establishing hydrogen makes the use of hydrogen sensors as safety instruments essential to prevent accidents and the unintentional loss of the gas. The development of hydrogen safety sensors addresses the risk potential posed by the extensive expansion and use of hydrogen technology as part of the energy transition. The sensors will consist of a reformed semiconductor-based hydrogen sensor, a novel coating, and precisely tailored sensor electronics.
The funding project is planned for a duration of three years and is co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).
For the period from 2025 to 2027, the following objectives have been defined:
Determine relevant sensor parameters
Manufacture and test semiconductor sensors, test wafers with different structures
Develop sensor systems, complete the measurement electronics, and establish physical connections
Conduct functional tests
Perform stability and long-term tests as well as validation under standard conditions
Optimize and test the electronics design and achieve miniaturization
grant number: 86001199