Dr. Gregory Bond
Campuswiese mit Blick auf Haus 15 und Halle 14
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Dr. Gregory Bond

Head of the Language Center


Dr. Gregory Bond

Short CV

  • Since 1994 at Technische Hochschule Wildau, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
  • Coordinator of the TH Wildau Conflict Advisory Service
  • To 2023 head the TH Wildau Language Centre
  • Freelance trainer, mediator, lecturer, author
  • Certified mediator according to §5 of the law for the promotion of mediation and other extrajudicial conflict resolution procedures
  • Guest professor in mediation at New Vision University, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Mediation, Moderation, Coaching and Training: www.bond-bond.de
  • 2011: MA Mediation, Europa-Universität Viadriana Frankfurt / Oder
  • 1993: Doctorate in German Studies, University of Nottingham(UK)
  • 1989: MA European Literature, University of East Anglia (UK)
  • 1985: BA German, University of Nottingham (UK)

TeachingOpen areaClose area

Negotiation and Conflict Management, Mediation, International Commercial Mediation, Legal English, European Identities, International Presentation and Communication, in the degree programmes Business and Law (LLB und LLM) and European Management (MA)


At Wildau Institute of Technology: MBA und AVIMA (Aviation Management): Presentation and Negotiation, Leadership and Motivation, Crosscultural Communication


Trainer in the Master's program Mediation at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt an der Oder




Teaching materials for courses at TH Wildau are provided on the learning platform

Memberships and AdvisoryOpen areaClose area

Bundesverband Mediation, licensed mediator

Mediatorenpool des Landes Brandenburg


Academic Advisory Board, Master's in Mediation and Conflict Management, European University Viadrina


Advisory Board, AMATI, Association of Mediation Assessors, Trainers and Instructors


Advisory Board, Mediation Centre of Europe


Advisory Board, Centre for Mediation and Dispute Resolution, Law School, Nottingham Trent University

Advisory Board, The Moot Court Bench Mediation National Rounds, Sri Lanka


Verein zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Praxis der Mediation


Working Groups, Mediation Week, International Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Paris


Working Groups, CDRC Wien, The IBA-VIAC Mediation & Negotiation Competition


Examiner LCCI, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, English for Business 


Uwe Johnson Gesellschaft




ProjectsOpen areaClose area

2017-2018: Coach for TH Wildau teams to participate inLex Infinitum 2017 and ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition 2018.


2016-2019: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership with six other universities: "Effective Entrepreneurship in Multicultural Teams". Student mobility, research project and collegial consultation of lecturers


2016-today: Konfliktberatungsstelle an der TH Wildau


2012-today: Cooperation agreement between TH Wildau and the arbitration body for public transport, söp


2011-2017: Participation in the Mediation Week and the International Competition for Business Mediation at the International Chamber of Commerce Paris, as judge, mediator and member of two working groups


2014: Exchange Project with the Adam-Mickiewiecz-University Poznań, meeting of students from both colleges at the  Internationalen Youth Meeting Center Kreisau.


2011-2013: Erasmus International Project, Student Project Weeks in collaboration with Universite Jean Monnet, St. Etienne (France), University of Tartu (Estonia), North Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), University of Applied Sciences Salzburg (Austria), Silesian University Opava (Czech Republic).


2011: Master's thesis at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt / Oder, study program MA Mediation, in collaboration with the International Chamber of Commerce Paris. Issue: Managing Cultural Diversity at the International Chamber of Commerce International Commercial Mediation Competition. 


2011-2012: Target agreement "Internationalization Level" to improve student qualification for international activities


2010-2012: Target agreement "Competence Center Language English" to support teaching in English at the TUAS Wildau and internationalization of the TUAS Wildau


2010-2012: Target agreement "Support for foreign students" to promote sustainability of care and internationalization of TUAS Wildau


2009-2012: Responsible for language training in the export of the Industrial Engineering degree program of the TUAS Wildau to the State College of Economics and Engineering (Engecon) St. Petersburg. In it: Editing a textbook, which is created by the TUAS Wildau


2009: Participation of a project team of the study program Economics and Law at the TUAS Wildau at the National Model United Nations, New York


2005-2012: Supervisor of the student participation of TH Wildau at the annual International Management Olympiad at the State College of Economics and Engineering (Engecon) St. Petersburg


Since 2004: Lecturer exchange with North Carelia University of Applied Sciences, Joensuu, Finland


Study trips with the study courses Economics and Law and European Management to London and Brussels

PublicationsOpen areaClose area




Books, Training and Teaching Materials


Uwe Johnson, Zwei Ansichten, Works in 43 Volumes, vol. 5, ed. Katja Leuchtenberger, Yvonne Dudzik, Greg Bond, Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag 2021


European Narratives: Twenty International Students Tell Their Own Stories of Europe, ed. (Wildau, 2017)


Mediation Practice: 8 Cultures, 16 Cases, 128 Creative Solutions, ed. (Paris 2016)


Activating Business English: New Methods for Trainers and Teachers (Wildau 2016)


International Commercial Mediation Role-Plays. Cases from the ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition, ed. with Colin J Wall (Paris, 2015)


"Mediation und Kultur" und "Mediation and Humour", zwei Module auf der Lernplattform des Masterstudiengangs Mediation an der Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt an der Oder (2012)


Lehrbrief Administrative English. Studienbrief Hochschulverbund Distance Learning. 2. Auflage. Chapter 3: Job Applications (2008)


Lesetextsammlung Wirtschaftsenglisch. Studienbrief. Mit C. Cooper, J. Newcombe, D. Robb (1999)


German History and German Identity: Uwe Johnsons "Jahrestage" (Amsterdam and Atlanta 1994)


Essays and Articles (Selection)


"Culture and Mediation: A 2020s Perspective on Early Criticism of Western Paradigms", in The Routledge Handbook of Intercultural Mediation (New York: Routledge, 2023)


"Mediation Moves: The Effects of Mediation Training - in Stories", in Mediation Moves - Concepts, Systems, People, ed. Ulla Gläßer, Lin Adrian, Nadja Alexander (Frankfurt am Main: Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, 2022)


"Warum 'die D.' nicht (mehr) ausgelacht wurde. 'Der junge Herr B.' und der Erzähler der Zwei Ansichten", in Johnson-Jahrbuch, 28 (2022


"Identitätspolitische Konflikte und gesellschaftliche Spaltung: Was tun?", in Spektrum der Mediation, 4 (2021)


"Neue Verfahrensalternativen: Online-Mediation und Online-Mediationsausbildungen", in Perspektive Mediation, 4 (2021)


“Streitkultur, Integration, Wertevermittlung – Mediation“, in Was halt die Migrationsgesellschaft zusammen. Norme – Werte – Rechtsansprüche, ed. Arnim Regenbogen, Elk Franke, Reinhold Mokrosch (Universitätsverlag Osnabrück / Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Unipress 2021)


“Über Dialog, Geschichten gegen den Hass und das Miteinander-Reden. Bücher, die Hoffnung machen,” in Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, 5 (2020)


“Frühling in Paris. 15 ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition: Ein Erfahrungsbericht,” in Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, 2 (2020)


“Conflict Management Systems within Organisations: The Example of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany,” in Salgaocar Law Review, 3 (2017)


"Whose Children", in Stories Mediators Tell. World Edition, ed. Lela Love and Glen Parker, American Bar Association (2017)

With Christof Berlin and Pia Mahlstedt, "Kollegiale Beratung - Ein Erfahrungsbericht", in Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, 37 (2016)


"Anders streiten", in Wir gehen studieren. Mit Timo Schlaurier. Das Buch zur Kinderuni der Technischen Hochschule Wildau (2017)


With Kati Bond, "Das Systemische in der Mediation: was und wozu", in Perspektive Mediation, 4 (2015). Download here


"Keep Calm and Mediate! Der Internationale Mediationswettbewerb der Internationalen Handelskammer (ICC) in Paris fand im Februar 2015 zum zehnten Mal statt. Greg Bond im Gespräch mit Hannah Tümpel, Paul Eric Studt, Christian Hartwig und Birgit Sambeth Glasner", in Konfliktdynamik, 3 (2015)


"Willkommen in jenem unbekannten Land, das Deutschland heisst: Moritz von Uslar, Deutschboden. Eine teilnehmende Beobachtung", in Re-forming the Nation in Literature and Film / Drafts of the Nation in Literature and Film, ed. Julian Preece (Oxford, et al., 2014)


"Königskinder 1965 und 2010. Uwe Johnson, Alexander Osang und einige Bilder von Deutschland", in Johnson-Jahrbuch, 20 (2013)


"Mediation and Culture: The Example of the ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition", in Negotitation Journal (July 2013)


With Daniela Schultz, et al.," Aktivierende Methodik im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Nutzen, Wirkung, praktische Beispiele", in Wissenschaftliche Beiträte der TH Wildau (2013)


"Sorevnoyaniya po mezhdunarodnoy kommercheskoy mediacii MTP. issleduya julturu mediacii" (Der internatlonaler Mediationswettbewerb der ICC: Eine Untersuchung einer Mediationskultur), in Kommercheskaya mediacia: teoria i praktika (Wirtschaftsmediation: Theorie und Praxis), hg. S Zagaynova und V. Abolonin (Moscow, Berlin, 2012)


"Mutmaßungen über den Rummelplatz: Werner Bräunigs Antwort auf Uwe Johnson", in Johnson-Jahrbuch 18 (2011)

"Zwei Ansichten: Der deutsche Schriftsteller Uwe Johnson und die Mauerfotografie", in Aus anderer Sicht, ed. Annett Gröschner und Arwed Messmer (Ostfildern 2011)


"Uwe Johnson und der Aufbau Verlag", in Johnson-Jahrbuch, 17 (2010)


"Die Grossen des Landes warfen ihr Auge auf Jakob". Uwe Johnsons Mutmassungen über Jakob, in Treibhaus. Jahrbuch für die Literatur der fünfziger Jahre, Band 5: Das Jahr 1959 in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (2009)


"The Structure of a Deceased Organism" und Wie es zu den Jahrestagen gekommen ist, in Johnson-Jahrbuch, 15 (2009)


"Die Koinzidenz der Gegensätze". Uwe Johnsons Arbeit an Verzweigungen, den Memoiren Margret Boveris, in "So noch nicht gezeigt". Uwe Johnson zum Gedenken (2006)


"On the Misery of Nature and the Nature of Misery": the work of W.G. Sebald, in W.G. Sebald. A Critical Companion (2004)


With Gerhard Falkner: "Publicity Inc.", literary translation of poems by R.S. Thomas and foreword, in Sprache im technischen Zeitalter, 40 / 161 (2002)




Technical University Wildau
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau

Tel.: +49 3375 508 366 / 348
Fax: +49 3375 508 566
Mail: gregory.bond(at)th-wildau.de

House 100, Office 405

Consultation hours by appointment


Faculty of Business, Computing, Law
Coordintator of the Conflict Advisory Service at TH Wildau
Supervisor of the "Room of Quiet" at TH Wildau


Negotiation and Mediation
European Identities
Communication and Presentation