Saving frequently searched pages on the Internet
Every search engine query causes servers around the world to run at full speed, which can be reduced by saving pages or using climate-friendly search engines.
Saving frequently searched pages on the Internet saves not only time but also energy.
Glass instead of plastic bottles
There are now garbage islands in the ocean that are four times the size of Germany.
A little tip to set a good example: simply use glass bottles instead of plastic when you're out and about.
Tidy up your digital files, folders and emails and delete unnecessary files. Ensure that sensitive data is stored securely.
Cooling down on summer nights
One tip for cooling down is to change your bed linen.
Fabrics such as satin or linen naturally cool you down during the night.
Natural cleaning agent
You don't always need chemicals, but completely natural things like vinegar, citric acid or baking soda to keep your home clean.
Curtains and drapes
Curtains, drapes or reflective films on the windows ensure that the home does not heat up too much in summer.